Love The VillainCh84 - Meeting the Liu Family Again


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  1. Thanks for the chapter! I can’t believe that everyone except Mufeng and Xiao Xu is really just trash. I mean can we atleast have 1 other good person. Ahhhh.

  2. They are popping out like mushrooms after rain!

    Thank You for the new chapter (•‾⌣‾•)و ̑̑♡

  3. You know, I’m really starting to get pissed with people showing up during meal times… at least this group didn’t ask for food…

    Remembering that time when orig!protags helped themselves to LMF and JX’s food really pisses me off

    Like, do they not know how to cook for themselves?

  4. oh here it is again HAHAHA anyway, the lovey dovey atmosphere between them is now destroyed~ thank u for the chapter!!

  5. I really can’t with these greedy hypocrites. Aside from having a low cultivation, the level of their shamelessness is already at something I couldn’t fathom.