Love The VillainCh56 - Marriage


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  1. Ohooo~ that was fast! Are we expecting a little Xiao Xu in the future?

    Thank you for the update~

  2. Bless you my children! (^_^ ;)ε ̄) I have to say… that’s a loooot of insects

    Thank You for the new chapter ♡ฅ(ᐤˊ꒳ฅˋᐤ)

  3. They sure are sweet. 🥰Now of into the secret realm and both will overpower anybody else once they emerge. 😄

  4. I can’t believe they only gave us half a page of the wedding description! Shouldn’t more attention be paid to such an important event? Shouldn’t the wedding scene be the peak of romance?!

      • I prefer when the author in romantic stories pays more attention to the romance itself. Modest and quiet weddings usually have more feelings than large-scale ones. Large-scale weddings are fussy, and in small weddings people can focus on expressing the love they have for each other.When the author so scantily describes such an important scene in their relationship, I get the impression that it was not so important for the characters themselves.In general, I understand that not everyone will agree with me, but this scene discouraged me from reading further. I understand that there will be more slaps in the face than sweets in the story, and that’s not what I’m reading for.😔
        • Who knows. Maybe the rly sweet moments are later n the wedding was just a small thing to them. With the way they decided to marry, it feels more like a them thing n less an author thing. It fits the characters.