Love The VillainCh297 - Going Out for Training


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Translator's Note

书城 shū chénɡ~Book City

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  1. I’m glad that Liu Xuan went with them. I was expecting him to be left behind, but I guess it makes sense; Xiaoyue is still Jiang Xu’s beast pet (I think?).

    • They’ve made so many enemies that I fear if they take their eyes off Liu Xuan for any length of time that someone is going to take the chance to off him. I suppose he’d be fine if he stuck with 3rd Elder or Sect Leader but that would be unfair since it would mean never leaving the sect.

      • I was really astonished with Mufeng saying, 25 years old is an adult and here they are dropping a hundred year here and there… yes, they were young when they have met, but they had no one else to rely on. This is their son, he has his fathers so he should be able to rely on them.

        • when mufeng said he’s an adult, he was referring to letting him make his own life decisions like marriage n learning to protect himself for the future. He was not insinuating that the son can’t rely on them at all. It was to explain to Jiang xu that they can’t baby him n control his life anymore.

  2. Well, we looked foward for little baby and he was only for few chapters before we three him away 😂

    Thank You for the new chapter (⁠「⁠`⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)⁠「❤️