Let Me Live!Ch43 - The Second World


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Translator's Note

Pre-dynastic times.

Translator's Note

The goddess of forgetfulness in Chinese mythology. In the legends, she serves soup on the Bridge of Forgetfulness. This soup wipes the memory of the individual so they can reincarnate into the next life without the burdens of the previous life.

Translator's Note

A high-ranking minister during the Shang dynasty, and uncle to King Zhou, the last king of the Shang dynasty. King Zhou was traditionally regarded as cruel, immoral and wasteful. Believing that ministers ought to do what was right even if it meant death, Bi Gan strongly criticized his ruler’s conduct and an enraged King Zhou ordered his execution via digging out his heart while alive.

Translator's Note

A prominent warlord who participated in the rebellions leading to the end of the Qin dynasty. After the fall of Qin, he engaged in a long struggle for power with Liu Bang (who later founded the Han dynasty). This eventually concluded in Xiang Yu’s defeat and to avoid capture, he committed suicide.

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  1. Protecting too many people… that’s just like the implication of the bi gan role… tbh I’m a little confused on the world building? Is bi gan not one of the 8 protectors? Bc yi wei said that sheng canyang was a target for Hai ri, except Hai ri said he might be a bi gan sent by earth. And how does sheng canyang leaving create hope for the second world? It’s not like other ppl know he’s bi gan or something… a little confused, but I still really like this development.