Let Me Live!Ch40.2 - Desiring the Unreachable (1)


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Translator's Note

A line from the song <Suddenly Missing You So Bad> by Mayday. Youtube link here (there are english captions).

Translator's Note

A term of endearment. Directly translated, it means ‘precious treasure’. Some might translate it as baby, precious, treasure, love etc.

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  1. The plot thickens! So, Hai Ri i s the one with the glasses? Is he even Hai Ri? Is he not a human? He seems to be one of the ”higher-ups” (for lack of a better term), so does Canyang know him?? More importantly, if they implanted new memories in HR, does he know Canyang, or was that made up? Or are they both part of some project? Aaaah, so many questions.

    Thank you for the chapter!

  2. 🤯🤯🤯

    Hai Ri is going to die?!?!?!?!?!?! Noooooooo!!!! You can’t die, you and Sheng Canyang are finally together and happy!

    Thanks for the chapter.

  3. okayyyy… where is this story going? i thought it was just a short (less than a hundred chapter) fluffy/flangast one. but this seems like a deux ex machina (a.k.a bullshit plot armor) by the author sigh

    i can ignore the “comedy” tag but this sudden “twist” is just….

    well, maybe this is just not for me. so long then. *off to look for other stories”

  4. I didn’t expect this turn of events, but I like it. This gives more depth to the characters and adds spice to the story.