Let Me Live!Ch40.1 - Desiring the Unreachable (1)


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Translator's Note

The Sheriff’s vote is counted as 1.5 votes while everyone else has 1 vote, hence the reason why the players are eager to run for it.

Translator's Note

Werewolf game lingo for when the Seer announces the order in which they investigate players in advance.

Translator's Note

Fools can show everyone their identity cards if they are voted out during the day.

Translator's Note

Only those not taking part in the election can vote for the Sheriff.

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    • THE WORLD IS GOING TO COLLAPSE WAH…. also figuring out the yi wei was trying to “kill” sheng canyang so he could leave the world safely ueue… by the whale thing I’m guessing that the whale wasn’t supposed to learn abt the time and decay signals and was thus sent into chaos… the world building is getting deeper.

      Ik the novel is already completely translated as of now but still want to say thanks to the translator for their work, I really like this novel