JellyfishCh32 - A Thousand Years of Training


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Translator's Note

Mother Meng is the mother of Meng Zi or Mencius, a famous philosopher in Chinese history known as the sage second only to Confucius himself. The story goes that Mother Meng moved houses three times until she found the perfect location which was outside a school, because she wanted her son to have the best possible environment to grow up.

Translator's Note

The saying is 镜中花, 水中月 which basically just means a mirage, or something that can be seen but not touched, like a flower in a mirror or the moon reflected on the water’s surface. You might have heard of the Japanese version of this saying, 鏡花水月, Kyouka Suigetsu, lit. mirror flower, water moon.

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  1. … In chapter five, it was indicated that a lot of foxes ‘cultivate through the joining of bodies’, and that Hua Ji was different because he cultivates using moonlight. But in this chapter, it states that there are negative effects if a fox ‘joins bodies’, to put it politely. Doesn’t add up. Now, if it said that the negative effects were for those foxes that choose to cultivate using moonlight, that would make more sense.