If You Don’t Fall in Love, You’ll DieCh2 - Why Did You Want to Kiss Me?

Editor: Amaris, Victorst

The appearance of the man before Ye Chen’s eyes had been praised numerous times by countless fangirls and fanboys. 7je02g

Merely being strikingly handsome was nothing, the dreadful thing was those cultured ones. They only needed to recite poetry and write advertorials, these were enough to brainwash people into becoming their fans.

Ye Chen—albeit absolutely fed up with him—had to admit that Ren Jing’s look was indeed the pinnacle of the current entertainment circle.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Especially back then when he had just debuted at seventeen or eighteen.

Using a certain movie critic’s description of him: The young Ren Jing’s had a kind of intense ‘force’ beauty, like a poppy flower blooming gloriously on the mountain top, it revealed its bewitching yet deadly beauty vividly and incisively under the scorching sun.


Ten years later, behind the many awe-inspiring trophies was Ren Jing’s own potential which was devastating even when suppressed.


Ren Jing, who was twenty-seven years old, had completely transformed into a flawless Prince Charming in thousands of girls’ hearts with the gentle, delicate, and graceful beauty that had been accumulated from his youth.

Many people had been captivated by him and were crazy for him, but Ye Chen felt that Ren Jing was wearing a ‘mask’ on his face instead; a ‘mask’ that would upset those who saw it.


“Friendly reminder, you have three minutes left.” o26dAy

Ye Chen immediately snapped out of it. He finally recalled his ‘proper business’!

Kiss Ren Jing? Piece of cake. I’ll show the best of myself.

Brother Chen was a proactive person, he would act without delay. He simply needed to tiptoe, performing kabedon assertively.

In the end, his forehead had been pressed by Ren Jing’s slender finger before he could reach him. nKXLVN

Ye Chen was so enraged that his heart hurt: He’s so tall! It’s so fucking disrespectful!


Death System said, “I feel like you didn’t jump high enough.”

Ye Chen went silent for a while before he exclaimed irritably, “Who was going to jump!?” v3hNUg

Death System, “Oh, so you were thinking of tiptoeing.”

Ye Chen, “…”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.


“Personally, I don’t think tiptoeing would be enough. It’d be better to jump into his arms, lock his waist using both of your legs, then latch your arms around his neck. That way, he definitely wouldn’t be able to refuse your kiss,” said Death System quite straightforwardly. 8U4awu

Ye Chen, “I have a word—”

Death System interrupted, “You’re not allowed to say it.”

Ye Chen, “Son of a bitch!”

Death System reminded, “You have two minutes and fifty-nine seconds left.” X rRQp


Ye Chen had no choice but lowering his head after staying quiet for a while. Brother Chen has to endure this!

Afterward, he looked at Ren Jing helplessly.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf reyaif uilwwfg bo j rwlif oijrtfv atgbeut Efc Alcu’r fsfr. Lf yfujc ab ajix, tlr nblmf kjr rb qifjrjca ab tfjg, “Qtja’r atf wjaafg?” K9rkdX

Lf rjlv rb jr tf iloafv tlr olcufg qgfrrlcu bc Tf Jtfc’r obgftfjv. Ktfc tf jrxfv jujlc, “Glv sbe ifjnf rbwfatlcu yftlcv?”

He was kind enough to give Ye Chen a graceful out, but Ye Chen needed to step up instead of backing down.


Ye Chen said as he hummed and hawed, “It’s just something I forgot…” ycb93Q

Ren Jing moved sideways, then said, “You should come in first.”

Ye Chen didn’t feel like going in. The entire room had traces of when they did this and that. Even though he was drunk, he hadn’t forgotten everything. Though, he didn’t remember too well about all of last night’s trifles. Most of all, Ren Jing was only casually wearing a bathrobe right now. This kind of appearance was quite, uhm… Ye Chen was afraid…erm…worried that he would be aroused and screw something up again.

As a man who had his principles, he could screw up once, but not twice!


Ye Chen stated seriously, “I’m not going in.”

Ren Jing was especially good-natured, “Then tell me what you left behind, I’ll get it for you,” he said.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ye Chen was at a loss for a while before finally saying, “Um, could you move a bit closer to me?”

Since a direct attack wouldn’t work, let’s change it into a sneak attack. wfeS2N

Ren Jing stared at Ye Chen for a while before actually leaning towards him slightly and moved closer.

This posture was absolutely destructive. Although Ye Chen was fed up with Ren Jing, he still couldn’t handle his look. After all, Ye Chen wasn’t purely a straight man


Ye Chen’s face heated up for a bit, but his dear life was important, so he closed his eyes as he stretched out his hands. Unexpectedly, he managed to hug Ren Jing’s neck quite precisely.

You can’t run now! Brother Chen thought of kissing Ren Jing as he kept his eyes shut.

In the end, another accident occurred. Ren Jing suddenly straightened himself, resulting in Ye Chen being pulled forward by the big force. His whole body fell into Great Movie King Ren’s embrace like a maiden.

Ren Jing held Ye Chen’s waist using one of his hands, trying to hold him. As a result, the touch felt so good that he recalled last night’s scene as he took a look at the man with flushed cheeks on his arm. On the one hand, he didn’t think of holding back, but on the other hand, he simply supported Ye Chen with his hand. Y19ck6


The sound of the door closing wasn’t light nor heavy, but enough to make someone whose face was burning hot and other’s heart was heating up to collect their thoughts.

That’s right, a little while ago, Ren Jing’s hand held the door, but he was holding Ye Chen’s waist now, so the door automatically closed by itself.

The problem was…the room card was still inside the room. hC179g


The chilly breeze of the air conditioner blew through the corridor, making Ye Chen react. He asked, “You don’t have your room card?”

Ren Jing answered helplessly, “I thought you’d come in.”

Ye Chen, “…” Ff4B60

This isn’t good! Even if Ren Jing could go to the reception desk to get the room card, he was currently dressed up like that. Let alone going downstairs, even if he only walked around the corridor, he would be seen by other guests, then they would conveniently take a picture. It would hit the headline tomorrow and everyone would explode into a great clamor in a minute!


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Ye Chen asked, “Where is your assistant? Does he stay next door?”

Ren Jing responded, “He’s still on the way.” Vz6TqJ

“From where?”

Ren Jing, “Northern City.”

Ye Chen was instantly sure of something the moment he heard that. “I’d call him ‘Father’ if he doesn’t get stuck in the traffic for two hours at this hour.”

Ren Jing’s expression remained the same, only a very, very faint glimmer of a smile flashing through his eyes. ZE64oz


Ye Chen said again, “Then, I’ll get a room card for you to open the door. Wait for me.”

Just when he was about to leave, the system kindly reminded him, “You have less than two minutes left.”

Ye Chen promptly halted his steps. He turned around to look at Ren Jing, then said after three seconds of hesitation, “I’m doing you a favor, aren’t I?” He really didn’t want to take advantage of Ren Jing’s difficulties, but if he didn’t, his life would be at stake! JXAWLK

Ren Jing nodded as he said, “Yes, a big favor even.”

Ye Chen found it somewhat hard to speak. “Then…then, it wouldn’t be too much if I ask for a tiny reward, right?”

Easily asking for a reward like that was honestly a shameless thing to do, but Ye Chen had no time left so he had to do so.

The glimmer of a smile in Ren Jing’s eyes became more subtle as he said, “Not at all.” Urmb2d

Ye Chen sighed, then promptly said, “If you let me kiss you, I’ll get the room card right away.”


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Great Movie King Ren was dumbfounded for a moment despite having made enough mental preparation beforehand.

Ye Chen felt ashamed because of his own shamelessness. He said in a muffled voice, “Erm… Just a kiss, just a light kiss is fine—” zyJ6ln

Before he finished his words, a warm palm had reached the back of his ear. Ren Jing kissed Ye Chen after slightly lifting his head up.

Ye Chen couldn’t help but open his eyes wide.

Ren Jing’s eyes were very bright, like the twinkling stars in the dark night. They looked absolutely dazzling.


Ye Chen froze for a moment. Shortly after, as his tongue was being hooked, the limp and numb feeling felt as if they were rushing from his tailbone, resulting in last night’s memories to suddenly flood his mind. Ye Chen felt tense and hurriedly pushed Ren Jing away. He ran towards the elevator without looking back as he exclaimed, “I… I’ll get the room card for you.”

Ren Jing stood right where he was, looking at Ye Chen’s receding figure. All that was left in his mind was: How adorable.

Fortunately, Ye Chen was the one who booked the room last night, so it was easy for him to ask for the room card. On top of that, the hotel’s owner’s son was one of his disreputable friends, so the young girl on the reception desk treated him cordially and kept asking him if he needed her to go upstairs and help him.

Despite knowing that Maloa was very trustworthy in keeping guests’ privacy, Great Movie King Ren’s endless charm was unstoppable. It would be troublesome if the young girl was captivated by him and forgot her professional ethics. WDISUa


Ye Chen took the room card, then rubbed his face after he went to the elevator, trying to cool himself down.

“Has the mission been completed?”

Death System announced, “Congratulations, you’ve earned one life point.” OyZIKb

Ye Chen heaved a sigh. His shamelessness had eventually not been in vain.

Ye Chen pondered for a while as he stared at the number in the elevator that continuously went up, then asked, “Didn’t I just overfulfill the mission? Isn’t there any special reward?” A short kiss had reached the standard, but he had practically French kissed Ren Jing just now! It would be too stingy of the system if it only gave one life point to him.

Death System had obviously underestimated its newly-appointed host’s brazenness.


Ye Chen was driving a hard bargain, saying, “A short kiss should last two seconds. Just now, we kissed for at least six to ten seconds. Fine, you could discount a bit, but in any case, give me twenty life points, alright?

Death System, “I have a word—”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ye Chen, “Shut it.”

Death System, “So shameless!” hB5e7o

Ye Chen scoffed.


As soon as the elevator reached the 27th floor, Ye Chen didn’t waste any more time. They were people from the entertainment circle, after all, this was clearly a grave problem. A big trouble would arise if news such as ‘Movie King Ren is locked out of the hotel while dressing improperly’ broke out to the media.

Ye Chen immediately heaved a sigh of relief after successfully opening the door. Just when he was about to bid farewell, Ren Jing unexpectedly asked him, “How about you come and take a seat?” x8i4yE

Death System whistled, “You should immediately go in and sit on him.”

Ye Chen, “…”

Ren Jing clearly said ‘take a seat’, yet Ye Chen felt that what was wafting in his eyes seemed to be ‘do it’.

Fuck, I must’ve been brainwashed by this damned system! Ep6T8f


Ye Chen sternly and calmly said, “It’s getting late, I’d better get back.”

Ren Jing thought of saying something, but Ye Chen didn’t dare to stay any longer. He had completed the mission, he truly had no more reason to keep staying here!

Ye Chen had seized the opportunity to turn around and run away before Ren Jing could say anything. This trying to run away look of his truly seemed as if he fled because he had been too shy. rp3gYA

Ren Jing looked at the fleeing Ye Chen and could only feel the tip of his heart itching.


After getting into the car, Ye Chen still felt hot and dry. He said, “Lower down the air conditioner’s temperature!”

Xiao Liu took a look at the panel and noticed that the temperature was already set to 18°. Still, he silently turned the temperature to the coldest one. eTCSrp

After being blown by the air conditioner for a while, Ye Chen eventually calmed down.

Xiao Liu reported today’s schedule for him. Ye Chen only heard half of it and forgot the rest.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ye Chen had always only been an amateur in the entertainment circle. There were a lot of people who fawned on him, and even more, those who tried to get closer to him. On the contrary, there weren’t many who had tried to trip him up. Generally speaking, his ‘career’ had been quite on a roll. Still, Ye Chen was rather lazy, plus he didn’t particularly have any ambitions. Even though there were a lot of resources laid before his eyes, he paid no heed to them.

Xiao Liu knew his temperament very well, thus he always arranged just the right schedule for him: Happiness was the most important, while earning money wasn’t. After all, one of the things that was the least of a concern for the Ye Family was money. pUcZ43


Ye Chen asked, “Has the car been sent away to get checked?”

Xiao Liu replied, “I’ve arranged for a towing truck to take it away.”

This was what Ye Chen had told Xiao Liu to do. He truly didn’t want anyone innocent to die in place of him. souM3P

Ye Chen said again, “Let me know when the result is out.”

Xiao Liu, “Certainly.”


Ye Chen took out his cellphone in sheer boredom. Just when he thought of turning it on, he heard WeChat’s notification tone. SombMq

Ren Jing: [Are you already in the car?]

Ye Chen nearly dropped his cellphone!

All that filled his mind was—he actually has Ren Jing’s WeChat?? Since when!?

Shortly afterward, Ren Jing sent another message: [It’s not that I wouldn’t let you kiss me when you tried that first time, but we were outside. We should hide for a bit before doing so.] ECRcOW

Ye Chen’s face, which had just cooled down, began to be burning hot again. Ren Jing explained that Ye Chen was trying to ‘ravish a kiss’ the moment they met again back then, which explained why Ren Jing pressed Ye Chen’s forehead at that time…

I was so cheeky! Ye Chen’s hands, which were holding the cellphone, felt like hot potatoes.


Before long, Ren Jing sent another message again: [Why…did you want to kiss me?] LsWEV

After staring at these seven words for a long time, Ye Chen felt extremely terrified. Fearing that Ren Jing would send another frightening message, he promptly opened WeChat. It was such a simple thing to do, yet he felt that it was as daunting as facing a tiger. As he was looking back at the chat room, he noticed that it wasn’t only the chat history that had been deleted, there was also…

Ren Jing sent another message: [Are you free in the evening?]

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What he got as a reply was: [Ye Chen has enabled friend request. You’re not his/her friend yet, please send a friend request first. You’ll be able to chat after the other party accepts your request.]

The author has something to say: bJ1XAT

Lighting a candle for Brother Chen…

Keep sending the red packets, love you all! I feel highly motivated thanks to your support!

Translator's Note

An advertorial is an advertisement in the form of editorial content. It is much more detailed than an advertisement and could help the consumers understand more about a product. The term “advertorial” is a blend of the words “advertisement” and “editorial”. (Wikipedia)
Here’s one of the example of an advertorial.

Translator's Note

Trivia and fun fact tidbits:
So apparently, after surfing around the internet for a while, I found out that despite beautiful, most poppies are toxic to varying degrees. Virtually all species contain alkaloid compounds that are poisonous and can cause convulsions, asphyxiation, and death. Also, the poppy flower symbolize remembrance, resilience, hope, and peace. (Source)
I see why Author-sama chose this flower as a comparison to Ren Jing’s beauty… UAfezs

Here are some images of the flower!


Translator's Note


Translator's Note

Kabedon is… y’know, the popular move (?) in BG manga where the love interest pins the MC into the wall (and sometimes followed with a kiss)? Yeah, something like that… The word literally translates to “wall slam”. BUT, author decided to change the “wall” part into “door”, which I assume is because Ren Jing and Ye Chen are in front of the hotel room, hence there’s a door behind (?) them instead of wall. I…had no fucking clue how to change that, but I think keeping “kabedon” should be fine; as long as the meaning is still there I guess…

Translator's Note

I think Death System is referring to that uhhh kinda extreme kind of kabedon? Maybe something like this LOL?

Translator's Note

Alright, I know this makes zero sense but lemme try to explain…
The raw has the meaning “steps” (台阶; táijiē), but when paired up with a “down” (下台阶; xià táijiē) it could also mean “chance to extricate oneself from an awkward position; a way out; help someone out of an embarrassment”. So the last part is author changing the “down” to “up”, which I assume has the opposite meaning. Like, Ren Jing knew that Ye Chen would be awkward and embarrassed, so he tried to give him an out. Something like that? I hope it makes sense……

Translator's Note

Ofc u aren’t, dearie. You just need the right person (glances at RJ), my child!

Also, it’s just my headcanon so please only take this with a grain of salt, but I assume that both YC and RJ are on the demi spectrum. Judging from how YC seems to have never been in any relationships and how RJ only has his eyes on YC bcs of what happened in the past (and how young YC had a crush (?) on young RJ too bcs of the whole soap opera thingy in the later chapters sdsgdhfsjd), I think they might be demi. Again, this is just me making unnecessary analysis on my children so pls just take them as rambles! Thanks for coming to my ted talk <3

Translator's Note

This “father” thing is a kind of…slang? That Chinese people sometimes use between close friends. There’s a lot of instances where the characters call themselves “father”, which I think is a way to show that they’re in charge (?), that they’re the almighty father… In this case though, Ye Chen declared that he would call Yang Sen “father” if he could get through the traffic without getting stuck, which I think has the meaning that if Yang Sen could do the impossible, Ye Chen would give respect to him by calling him “father”.

(Rough tl) “My surname is fa, my given name is ther. You can call me father” uJTAck

Sometimes it’s also used to show that they feel proud or validated, kinda? Especially if they’ve done a favor to others (their close friend usually). Like, “I’ve done you a favor, so now you should call me ‘father’!” Or I’ve read a manhua where they’re like “the one who lose has to call the other ‘father’!”. Since, as we all know, a father is the head of the family, the one who has control over things (especially in Asian households), the respected one…

(Rough tl) “Call me father now”

Also, while not always, sometimes it’s the paternal instincts kicking in, like they want to take care of the other (by being a ‘father’)… kinda thing, yanno? Um yeah something like that.

Translator's Note


Translator's Note

The original raw of Ren Jing offering Ye Chen to “take a seat” is 坐坐 (zuòzuò). It’s pronounced very similarly with… 做做 (zuòzuò) that Death System used, in which the latter could imply “to make love”… Yeah, something like that. I’m not really good at coming up with a pun but me and my editors have tried our best sksksks,, Hope you understand~

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