I Like Your PheromonesCh61.1 - Senior 3


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Translator's Note

unfair or being bias

Translator's Note

An idiom that means “forget it”

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  1. Oh my god! I could not believe my eyes when I saw this updated! Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️

  2. I’m getting so confused with their ages isn’t middle school until ur 14 (not American by the way so I don’t really know) but song yi (I think that was his name) said that our mc is close to a marriage age what is 18 for omegas (20 for alphas isn’t that kinda stupid doesn’t this mean omegas can only marry older alphas when they run 18 or get easily married of sry my trauma from angsty dog blood stories came back) anyways if they are about to graduate shouldn’t they be in Highschool and then last year equals 18/19 sry but that really confused me