I Like Your PheromonesCh35 - Blush


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Translator's Note

It was like this in the raws. The author is likely referring to DJY’s private parts.

Translator's Note

Literally means to help pack up your broken store

Translator's Note

Gu Li’s nickname and it means fox in chinese

Translator's Note

Yes there is a difference. Beach rose is 玫瑰 while China rose is 月季.

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  1. I feel so bad for LXC. He basically had a flirty nearly naked DJY in his arms and couldn’t eat him up since they still have an “innocent” relationship. 😂 Poor guy and thumps up for your self control. 😆

  2. Yanyan, you really testing someone’s patience. Uwoo~ Dog Lu flirt mode: ON

    Thank you for this chapter!!

  3. I admire lxc’s self control, really happy he is not forcing anything~ tho POOR HIM LOL DJY REALLY TESTING HIS PATIENCE