I Love FarmingCh54.1 - People Work Hard When Spring Comes Early (Part One)


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Translator's Note

Bolting is the production of a flowering stem on agricultural and horticultural crops before the crop is harvested, in a natural attempt to produce seeds and reproduce.

Translator's Note

bend the straight: trying to make a straight person gay

Translator's Note

发春 meant horniness, while the individual Chinese character, 春, meant spring.

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    hahahahahhahha the Ljj audience are even more crazy now XDD

    anyways, I’m starting to want to farm now but I don’t know where I can farm XD

    Thank you for the chapter!

  2. don’t worry LJJ viewers, I’m with you guys lololol. expecting something exciting when i saw aboverse for new arc, only to be crushed in 3 chapters 😂

  3. Netizens come thruuuuu

    I love watching them watch the show. It’s one of the things that makes this book more fun