I Love FarmingCh41.1 - The Lord’s Technique (Part One)


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  1. Medieval People are Superstitious: Yeah, uhmm, even Modern People are superstitious~ What they’re doing is still being done to this day, albeit with oils and cloth and stuff_

  2. I would like to recommend a fantasy/magic academy world and an interstellar world as welll. I would love to see what Boss Cui has in store plus if it is a beastman/fantasy world we may be able to see Xiaobai’s human form.😳😳

  3. One thing I love about this novel is that the MC’s growing strategies, while godly, tend to be more realistic. Novels where the protagonists casually grow rice and other new crops in environments where they actually wouldn’t work well always irk me… Thanks for the chapter!

  4. I feel like Christianity will decline in this region and everyone will worship the Baron instead. XD XD XD

    The Church would be wise to make him a saint so they can steal his thunder. XD XD XD