I Love FarmingCh30.2 - The Secret Formula Of The East (Part Two)


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Translator's Note

Tiger body shakes: [an online slang] It often means that the protagonist uses the protagonist’s unique protagonist skills to enhance his momentum, exert mental coercion on others, make others subdued, or make the heroine shocked and fall in love with the protagonist .

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  1. “War? What war? The war on insects & starvation? Why should I go to war with people? That would destroy my crops! 😡 “. Thank you

  2. This arc level is super hard, they didn’t even give the farmers hoes XDDD Good luck Cui Cui~

    I can’t with the audience 😂

  3. I actually forgot this was broadcasted and had a good laugh at the reactions!

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  4. I have to complain…

    First: No COMMONER would EVER have PORCELAIN!!!! They would have clay pottery, but not porcelain! That stuff was so difficult to transport from east to west, it was heckin expensive! So to emulate that look, the Germans (i think) started making imitations from papier-mâché.

    Second: …WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO TOOLS?!?!?!? USING THEIR BARE HANDS?!?! RIDICULOUS!!! Didn’t they even have farming tools in the bronze age???? And if they didn’t have tools, how the f*ck are they supposed to have build that f#cking castle?!!!! Oh, and since they don’t have tools, that d%mned stone structure won’t have any proper windows either — BECAUSE THERE WOULD BE NO GLASS!!!!

    Omg I’m so sorry for complaining, but I want to continue reading this story and if I don’t vent now I’m going to implode on myself… It’s like “the sea breeze in paris/berlin/dresedn”….. I’m going to flip a table, this just feels so… wrong. Q.Q

    Also, salt. What about salt. How did they get salt. For salt that comes from water, you NEED tools, and even those poor things are better for digging through soil than YOUR BARE HANDS! And how can they have all these crops if they’re so bad at farming… Are other regions just way more advanced while this sh#thole is backwards???

    ….Uff. Apologies for cursing so much, I couldn’t restrain myself. I’m not hating on the story or its author, I just… needed. to. complain. … A lot.

    • Your comment is so long it keeps collapsing on itself. So i can only add that lands that may have been flooded at least once during the 5billion years the earth has existed could totally have become saline. And medieval lords were flipping greedy, I could see them hoarding tools.