I Have MedicineCh403 - Ancient Martial Artist


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Translator's Note

掏心掏肺 – Tao xin tao fei, to be completely devoted to someone.

Translator's Note

Five Rejuvenation Pills for one hundred million yuan, one promotional Qi Generating Pill for two million yuan, and five normal Qi Generating Pills for twenty million yuan. According to the current exchange rate, the total is approximately $17.5 million USD.

Translator's Note

耳濡目染 – Er ru mu ran, to be influenced by those around you.

Translator's Note

夫妻脸 – Fu qi lian, when a married couple has lived together for a long time, their appearances and behaviors tend to resemble one another.

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  1. It’s a mystery how Tian Hang’s bank didn’t stopped the transactions due to the “possibility of stolen card” 😂😂

    Also real date soon! Nice! ✧(>o<)ノ✧

    Thanks for the chapter!

      • Thank you so much for clarifying me! (。・ω・。)ノ♡ Sometimes I’m just so excited and somethings pass beside me 😅 I thought he just sent it through the app… Reading your other comment also helped comprehending better some things so thanks for that too! (•̀ᴗ•́)و

  2. Ah yes, a date. We’re finally getting some movement on the romance plot of this story!

    Translation notes:

    If this child is born, even through natural or surgical means, it’ll induce massive hemorrhaging… –> If this child is born, it’ll induce massive hemorrhaging…

    Seeing that there won’t be any surgical procedures, the child will have to be born naturally. –> By this time if surgery isn’t performed, then the child must be carried to term. (ie. past the time frame for safe abortion)

    It was just that it was really different. –> He just put it down to the terminology being different.

    and swiftly typed on his phone to have someone transfer the money. –> and made a call to have someone transfer… (打电话 is just making a phone call. texting is a different term)

    Instead, he impatiently typed on his phone again, and demanded… –> he impatiently made another call, and…

  3. so cute!! and so much excitement for the upcoming arc! thank you so much for the chapter! <3<3<3

  4. Yay! A date in the modern world! Lol, I just imagined Tianheng in an amusement park with the fake mouse ears on his head 😆

    Thanks for the translation!