I Have MedicineCh360 - Wondrous Medicine


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  1. I was just feeling bored and had nothing to read. Now I do! Oh and

    “In any case, stone ova seldom appeared.” It should be stone ovum.

    That’s all I found, if there’s more..it’s past midnight here bear with me.

  2. It’s a rare sight that GYTH knew more about a medicinal ingredient than GZ. Still very sweet though.

    Translation notes:

    Seeing that there was no reply from these people, there was naturally a lot to consider. –> When these people saw there was no response, they would naturally consider things more.

    Wind God Trading Company –> not sure if you want to change this to Divine Wind Trading Company since 神风 is actually same as the Japanese “kamikaze”

    Whether it was based on a sense of fair play or selfish motives, Shopkeeper Fang had to make up his mind. –> …Fang had to look to GZ to make the final decision.

  3. Ooh, what is it? Another rate ingredient necessary for Big Brother’s concoctions?

    Thank you for the update! ❤️

  4. “After all, if I someday find any medicinal ingredens that I can’t use in the sect.”

    Shouldn’t it be “I can’t find in the sect”?

    And it’s my first time seeing word ovum.

    Thank you for the hard work 🤗

  5. Ovum = female germ cell

    … Ok. I mean, I don’t really get why (the term ovum was used), but I can just choose to use my imagination.

    Thanks for the update!

    • During Gu Zuo’s internal monologue, he says: “However, what was a stone ovum (石卵)? A stone egg (石头蛋)?”

      The author specifies between the two terms, so to keep things in context, I had to use an alternate translation of 卵, which is ovum. In any case, this term is, coincidentally, rather apt due to a certain plot point in the future.