I Have MedicineCh17 - Gu Zuo Watches Carefully


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Translator's Note

水涨船高 – Shui zhang chuan gao, an aphorism where improvements in a general economy benefit all who participate in that economy. In other words, a martial artist who succeeds in this competition would be improving his own lot in life as well as the lives of his whole family.

Translator's Note

井底之蛙 – Jing di zhi wa, a fable which means that a person can’t see or refuses to see the bigger picture because they’re sheltered or closed-minded.

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  1. Why do I feel that MC would suddenly bring out a pill to help elder-brother-in-law?

  2. Oh geez, poor Gu Zuo was forced to watch people being slaughtered :O Tianheng is being mean xD but I totally get it, Gu Zuo would have to get used to the blood and gore if he wants to survive in that world.

    Great work as always~ Thanks for the chapter!

  3. In this chapter, our MC is sweet-talked by his future husband into naively lose his innocence. Don't worry, Gu Zuo, it only hurts the first time, and then it gets…better? Lol, I'll see myself and my gutter out…

    Some corrections/suggestions:

    "Although his tone was still gentle, although the words he just spoke had not changed, he couldn’t help but shiver." –> In English, all three his/he/he are implied to be the same person. But in context, the first 2 are referring to GYTH and the last to GZ. So I would suggest changing the last "he" to "Gu Zuo" instead.

    "Maybe ten or so…" implies a number between 10-20, but the original 几十个 means multiples of tens. Not sure English has an equivalent term, so maybe something like "Maybe a few dozen…"

    The term "side branches" should probably be "cadet branches" instead. This is actually a thing in English too: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cadet_branch

  4. (thank you for translating this for us)

    'Gongyi Tianheng’s expression was indifferent: “The Clan is unlikely to abandon a clansman. However, a martial artist’s lifespan is no less than one hundred fifty years. After three wives and four concubines, the result would be the birth of more and more clansmen. If one wanted to provide for their own people to practice martial arts, there wouldn’t be enough resources.'

    Or, you know, instead of slaughtering each other, you could stop at one wife and adopt a 1 child policy and pass out some birth control pills.

    • LOL…so true. The polygamy isn’t helping them, especially since they bring in outsiders with talent into the clan anyway. And maybe they could up the one child policy to the latest three-child policy now.

    • ikr. It’s like the solution does even match the problem. Who goes from “we have too many people in the clan to support”–> “as a solution, we will kill the ones with ‘bad luck’ or ‘bad awareness.'” Like genuinely, you have too many people in your clan, and your only solution is a literal culling game???

  5. Thanks for the chapter~~ that world is so cruel :v well at least, this chapter clearly showed that above a sky is another sky idiom meaning.

  6. daaang…spartan training for not vomiting out the food from 3 days ago…

  7. Teach him GT. Educate your wife to not be so naive! nods (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و 

  8. You can tell that ML intelligence is totally false. Because he’s so clever, can’t he think of having fewer wives or birth control pills? Or even a medicine to make women sterile after their first or second child ?! The author wanted to create a super smart character, but just made a joke of himself.

    • Well I think it’s because they do need many children to be born since they wouldn’t know if a child is talented or not until he grows up, so if they have few children and only a small portion of them are good enough then they would have other kind of problems.

      They need to be a big and strong clan to stand among the other 4 clans and not get eradicated. Sure, they take outside people in, but they still need children with blood ties to carry the family legacy.

      So the problem is that they need many people to be a strong clan but they are so big that they can’t cultivate all the seedlings and can only weed out the weaker ones.

      Do I think that’s ok? No. Are there better solutions? Surely, but they live in a world ruled by the law of the jungle, they all think it’s normal for the weak to die and the strong to rise.

      Besides, even in our world where all kind of contraceptives exist, lots of people still insist on having kids they can’t afford. And taking concubines was often times for political alliances.

    • uhh, bro, you do realize that none of this has to do with the ML or his intelligence? It wasn’t the ML who thought up of this solution, it was all four clans. Do you think he can just suddenly tell them to stop a long going tradition bc he has a “better solution”? Hell no. You’re looking too much into something where there’s actually nothing

    • The categories are divided by age and martial prowess. For this category, the martial artist needs to be younger than fifty years old AND be at the Bone Forging Realm.

  9. The male lead’s reasoning is inhumane and shouldn’t make sense to MC who knows that this kind of violence isn’t necessary because he has experienced a society without it. Have a one partner policy and figure out some basic birth control in this magical cultivation setting!

    And if the whole POINT is to have a lot of kids so you can cull the weak ones then that’s even worse and MC should be horrified by the mindset instead of impressed! The male lead is also stupid and cruel to force MC to watch this slaughter because being subjected to traumatic and graphic events does not make you stronger and prepared, it creates trauma and weaknesses that are incredibly difficult to overcome if you ever do. Realistically MC would see these scenes flash before his eyes every night and his medical cultivation would go to shit together with his concentration and general health. If he truly is getting used to the gore this quickly it would only be because he his brain can’t handle the trauma and shut down ALL feelings, which means this should come back and haunt him (but I don’t think the author intends to be that realistic so it’s just going to be an unrealistic loose thread). It’s going to be hard to view the male lead as intelligent and emotionally reliable love interest after this scene and the MC is definitely falling in to stockholm syndrome… The translation is good and the premise compelling so I’m giving it a few more chapters but I lost a lot of respect for both characters with this scene. I hope I’m not alone in finding their conversation disturbing and kind of stupid. Not to mention worrying for any future relationship if the gong can pull this kind of violating move on his lover out of the blue?!

    • hard disagree on the ML being stupid and cruel to force MC to watch this. MC should 100% know what world he’s getting into. He had no idea that this tradition even existed, and would’ve lived a very ignorant life for a while if it weren’t for ML. And this ignorance would eventually come with a price. While it sucks, it is 100% better for MC (who is obviously going to become a crazy important figure in the martial world) to immediately realize just how brutal this world is through a controlled environment of 1v1 matches than an ongoing assassination attempt or some kind of war. If he only realizes this when he’s in a dangerous situation, he’s wayyy more likely to freeze up and get himself killed. And word of mouth wouldn’t work either, bc MC needs to be actively desensitized to this stuff to a certain degree for his safety. Therefore, these matches are the best possible place for ML to expose MC to the true world he’s getting himself into. (otherwise, MC would be living like an ignorant bird in a cage, which would be necessary to keep himself safe from enemies)