I've Got this Cannon Fodder's BackCh12 - I’ve got this Tyrant’s back (12)

Chapter 12: I’ve got this Tyrant’s back

Those extremely costly to produce, fierce and powerful mechas occupied Galilean airspace. r3QwXJ

The dark clouds of war has shrouded the planet for too long. At this point, to stand up and fight has become a necessary means to survive.

Galileo was once a rich and stable planet. For a long time, peace made this planet completely inadept at the ways of war. But under the prolonged cruel constriction of invasion, they were forced to come out with a way to survive.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

In the interstellar era, where weapons development has reached the fourth-generation particle level, the laser weapons still used by Planet Galileo were too old and crude. The sound of the Guar’s ridicule was mixed in with the fierce roar of the mechas, arrogantly bearing down upon them.

Their expected annihilation did not materialize. aI1vUH

Before their shocked and stunned eyes, those old laser weapons that should long have been made obsolete suddenly seemed to burst out with unprecedented power.

Those fierce mecha strong enough to wipe out the planet were quickly burned hollow. The sound of explosions came one after the other in quick succession. That solid defense that could pass the test of being hit by a particle cannon suddenly turned so fragile, they couldn’t withstand a single blow.

The functions of their laser weapons couldn’t have just suddenly changed.  Planet Galileo’s commanding officer was dealt a huge shock. After standing dazed for a long time, he finally said in a hoarse voice, “The Gu Group…”

Guar’s mechas were considered invincible in the Pulitzer Galaxy. Their new mechas were more powerful than their previous one and were loaded with more advanced weapons. Planet Guar had a very advanced mecha production system and they were able to source most of the materials within their own planet.


The only change was the Radium ore from the Gu Group.

It hasn’t been long since the order for the assassination for Gu Yuan was carried out. The repercussions of the strong resistance caused by the Gu Group’s sale of Radium ore had yet to even dissipate. That despicable businessman who insisted on betraying his country for wealth… If he really had a hidden plan, a plan to bring about this reversal in their situation, and he had managed to pull it off successfully relying only on his own powers——

This thought flashed through his mind and was quickly pressed down again.

Galileo needed a victory too much. Nk8vcQ

No matter how abnormally and unrealistically they attain that victory, as long as it can re-ignite the hope that people have long given up, as long as it can make people stand up again, then now was not the time to examine the cause and effect behind it.

After the battle has been won, if it can be proven that all this had something to do with the Gu Group, they, or their successors, would definitely pay the corresponding compensation.

The commander fell silent once again. He focused his attention on this fleeting chance to turn things for the better before him.

This was Galileo’s only hope. H6zvFM

Looking at the troop of mechas that had been instantly eliminated by their laser weapons, the young commander gritted his teeth, pressed the communicator in his ear, and said sharply, “Attack! Don’t let up! Give them all we’ve got! Attack!”

The sudden release of fierce gunfire turned the sky dazzlingly bright.


Gu Yuan stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, his eyes calmly falling on the horizon of endless artillery fire. 0Ys7VO

The Pingan Kou was worn hidden close to his skin. Only an unremarkable, fine red string wound around his neck. The warm touch of the youth’s fingers rubbing his skin seemed to be so vivid. A breath of purity and peace settled in his chest. His dark pupils were dyed with a faints, soft light.

Although they had done as much as they could to disintegrate the company and conceal matters, time had been too limited and in the end they weren’t able to do a through job of it. Just now, the company headquarters had received a brief dispatch from Galileo’s provisional government, inquiring about matters.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lf tjvc’a gfrqbcvfv yea delmxis qea lcab wbalbc atf fwfgufcms fnjmejalbc qijc.

Ktf Xjilifjcr cffvfv mbcolvfcmf jcv cbk kjr cba atf alwf ab ufa ab atf tfjga bo atf wjaafg jr ab kts atfs kbc. Lf tjv jigfjvs vbcf fnfgsatlcu tf mbeiv. Pc atlr olcji wbwfcar, tf cffvfv ab olcv j qijmf rjof fcbeut obg tlr reybgvlcjafr ktb tjv rajsfv klat tlw ab mbcoerf jcv lwqfvf atf Xejgr. Igs2SQ

“President Gu…”

Behind him, his secretary whispered and said with a cautious tone, “The vice-presidents have all boarded the ship, you should also go quickly—”

“This is the last trip out. You go with them. You don’t have to accompany me.”

Gu Yuan interrupted quietly, and turned around to look at him, his expression still calm. “You have all worked so hard these days. Please thank them for me.” 3diJRX

“But everyone already thinks you’re dead!”

The secretary’s eyes turned hot and he could finally no longer care about refraining from mentioning this taboo topic. He stepped forward anxiously, “You might as well go to another galaxy and live incognito there. You’ve already done everything you needed to. We should leave the fighting to the resistance. It has nothing to do with us anymore…”

Gu Yuan smiled. He unfastened his cuff and folded his sleeve up. He removed his smart computer from his wrist, revealing the round scar on his strong arm, that had been concealed.

When his eyes fell on that scar, the secretary’s voice came to an abrupt stop. T95BJ3

The in vivo implantable life monitoring instrument was first used on prisoners and agents. It was implanted through the wrist or occasionally, the forearm. The monitor would then be placed in the heart artery and it could at any time, monitor whether the implanted person was still alive and also accurately locate his immediate position.

The Guars had always known that Gu Yuan was still alive.

“When they’ve had a chance to recover, any person or thing that remains by my side will probably be annihilated into sub-particles.”

The Galileans could guess what he’d done. Naturally, the Guars could too and they would vent all their anger on him, this audacious Galilean businessman. klPu7N

After making a rare joke, Gu Yuan smiled and put his smart computer back on. He pulled down his sleeves and refastened the cuff.

In front of seemingly inescapable death, the secretary finally fell silent. He bowed deeply to Gu Yuan and quickly left the office.

Only an empty shell remained of the company. The former prosperous Gu Group quietly stilled in the annals of the universe.

His eyes swept through the window at the seemingly evenly-match fierce fighting. Gu Yuan sat at the table and opened a drawer. He took out the super particle gun, disassembled it, and carefully wiped the parts one by one. dqCXmf

That the Galileans could evenly match against the Guars was something that before this battle, the rest of the Pulitzer galaxy wouldn’t dare believe.

The business world is like a battlefield, and vice versa. The defeat of their high-level mechas would not really affect Planet Guar’s core military strength. What Gu Yuan had been betting on was that after this battle, the news of the destruction of the Guars’ advanced mechas would spread quickly across the galaxy and the greedy eyes of other planets lying in wait.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

With its losses too large to immediately swallow and endure, Planet Guar was bound to leave most of its combat strength on their home plant. For now, they wouldn’t dare rush to invade.

Galileo was a tough enough planet. As long as they are given the chance to breathe, there was the possibility of them turning over situation and claiming victory in one fell swoop. b2vw9S

He gently brushed the soft fabric and he wiped clean the last remaining parts. Gu Yuan directed his gaze outside the window and at the military ship approaching quickly .

His original plan was to leave a corpse for the Guars to find. But now, he has changed his mind.

The Guars hated him so much they would never let him have a quick death. If he could survive the torture, could survive the imprisonment, could survive until the day of victory——

There was still a faint ray of life waiting for him. XlyCJc

The ship landed heavily, the strong cross currents stirring the sky full of smoke and dust. Gu Yuan lowered his gaze and stood up calmly, supporting himself using the edge of the table.

Either he survives and picks up his young man and takes him home.

Or when Lu Zhiguang gets home, he would have for him a planet at peace.


After 48 hours of fierce fighting, as night fell, the artillery fire gradually died down.

For the first time, they were able to repel the Guar’s attack head-on. Although they also suffered heavy losses, it still ignited the Galileans’ fighting spirit. More and more people joined the battle and the once pre-ordained to be doomed battle situation began to change.

The young and determined commander became the core leader of the resistance, taking advantage of the truce to quickly deploy active defenses, ready to resist a new round of attacks at any time.

The news of their groundbreaking victory quickly spread throughout the galaxy. The tenacious resistance of Planet Galileo attracted the attention of many planets. A planet that can still fight and even win when things have reached this stage was worthy of receiving assistance from the other planets. sjxpBS

Batch after batch, aid came openly and secretly. A steady stream of new weapons was transported to Galileo and a new round of resistance finally burst with unprecedented enthusiasm.

The prison on Planet Guar was quietly soaked with cold blood.

The cell used to confine the felon was small and cold. His limbs were tightly locked with electronic chains. There seemed to be no need for such strict defense against the locked up man. He simply lay lifelessly in the dark, with cold sweat soaking his hair and his whole body covered entirely in welts.

The furious marshal of the Guars almost had Gu Yuan whipped to death. However, he still left him with a last bit of breath. On the one hand, it was so that they could continue to torture him and on the other hand, they needed to thoroughly investigate Gu Yuan’s identity. SprH4x

This battle was doomed to not last long. Their heavy-duty high-level mechas were all destroyed, the interior of Planet Guar was hollowed out. Several planets, evenly matched with them in strength, were all glaring like tigers watching their prey. The army would be withdrawn from Planet Galileo sooner or later.

Before then, they had to figure out whether everything Gu Yuan had done was only for Planet Galileo, or whether the other planets were secretly pulling the strings behind him and there were deeper hidden conspiracies.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Gu Yuan lay quietly in the darkness. It was a long time before he started to move, supporting his body and slowly sitting up.

His broken fingertips fumbled hard in the dark, touching the wooden Pinagan Kou hanging from his neck, slowly tightening along with the pain and cold sweat. Srt97o

He had already anticipated this situation after he had allowed himself to be captured without putting up a fight. As a result, it seemed to not be that unbearable.

He just had to withstand the torture. It was better to listen to the military reports of his home planet’s victory. It was better to watch the Guars’ crazed look as they’re shamed into anger. This was a lot better than being poked in the back by his countrymen and being accused as a traitor.

The cold sweat slipped into the corner of his eyes, and Gu Yuan closed his eyes. He raised his head and pressed the back of his head against the cold stone wall, trying his best to focus his consciousness on that glimmer of light.

This was the last day of the standardized exam. He didn’t know how Lu Zhiguang was doing in the exams. He wondered whether those exercises he’d done with him and those topics he had taught him during those days when they stayed in the villa together, appeared in the exam. XC5xuV

His young man has always been smart and would definitely do well in the exam.

As if he had found a cure for pain, he carefully brought out those warm and peaceful memories. He  repeatedly recalled every detail. Warmth overflowed into his chest. In that moment, all the cold, hunger, and pain seemed to have become so very distant.

As Gu Yuan recalled those memories, the corners of his lips lifted up in an imperceptible soft curve. His brows that were faintly trembling from the pain smoothed out with tranquility and warmth.

In the darkness, the sound of footsteps could be heard. 2d0BfY

The sound of the opening and closing of a prison door gradually echoed over. The faint smell of food evoked the burning pain in his stomach.

Gu Yuan moved his arm and put his fingertips into his pocket. Groping about he came across a piece of toffee. He held it in his palm for a while and then gently let it go.

For the Guars, he was already a dead prisoner. They hadn’t even bothered to replace his clothes with a prison uniform and they unexpected left him with this thing.

He was not to be given food and he is only be given a once in three-days nutritional injection to keep him alive. This toffee was given to him by Lu Zhiguang when they had first met and he had carried it with him until now. d1y4Bd

It’s not yet time to move it.

He had originally thought that he had already accumulated enough memories, but after their separation, he felt that there were too few traces left by the young man. And so he carefully hoarded this toffee like a treasure, unwilling to erase its existence.

Pain and hunger could be overcome. After a long time, one would become numb to it. In the numbing cold, waves of weakness and tiredness surged up.

The sound of footsteps left and the electronic sound of the closing door echoed in the silent darkness. g2PdKd

The difficult problem had been thrown back. Whether to attack or to retreat and defend, the Guar military needed to plan what they’d do next. For the time being, no one would come and continue to trouble him.

In the rare moment of peace, Gu Yuan leaned back against the wall, slowly adjusting his breathing, preparing himself for a new round of torture.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

He would let go of his dignity, let go of his pride, whatever the cost, regardless of what happens.

He would bear it, he would live… zrMeZH

As soon as this thought took shape in his mind, a flash of light like lightning streaked across.

A strange premonition rushed into his mind. Gu Yuan’s breathing suddenly seized. His eyes opened suddenly and as before, all around him was the silent darkness.

Looking across the prison door fastened with iron railings, his already weakened body suddenly burst out with unimaginable power. Gu Yuan straightened his body, his eyes focused on the figure that had somehow appeared at the door. His heartbeat suddenly intensified as though it were roaring.

With that strength that came from out of nowhere, Gu Yuan threw himself against the door. Separated by the prison door, a pair of arms supported him. dyktZi

Lu Deng stood outside the door and looked up at him slightly. Under the dim light of the windproof lantern at the head of a flight of stairs, his sleek, raven-dark eyes appeared with a clear and gentle light.

The author has something to say: #how to capture a Lu Deng#

Step 1: Grab a President Gu

Step 2: Wait TI40x3


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  1. FINALLY new chapter! I’ve waited so long for this…T.T

    Thank you for picking it up. Looking forward to more chapters!

  2. Ahhhh! He went for him! And Gu Yuan was withstanding all that torture and pain just to see his guy again!

    Thanks for the chapter ❤❤❤

  3. 😭😭😭😭The poor ML isn’t being tortured!!! That’s a first..but I don’t want it to be a first! 😭😭😭😭I hope Lu Deng gets them out in the next chapter or so, I can’t bear more pain!

    Thank you for the chapter!

  4. Whuuut, I didn’t expect Lu Deng to just show up like that xD Gu Yuan must be like “??!?!?!??” rn xD although he’s probably also joyful, relieved, and afraid sth might happen to LD…

    Thank you~

  5. Is Lu Deng’s identity that commander they mentioned?! Whoa whoa.

    Ohhhh. I suffered reading this chapter. Gu Yuan holding on Just with Lu Deng’s memories. And the toffee…. 😭

    Thanks for the chapter!

  6. Umm there was a jump in chapters? For chapter 8 to 12? Thank you for the chapter tho 🙂

    • In the last chapter it was explained that there was another group that did chapters 9-11, and so to not jeep readers hanging, the translator decided to skip. You can find those chapters at novelupdates.

  7. Wuwuuwu president Gu!! What an admirable man you are!!

    Thank you for the chapter (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ

  8. But how to grab a president Gu? And how to keep one? I have no nutrient solution at home, does he eat toffee? 😂

  9. nods to author’s instructions

    me: grabs president gu


    looks down

    lu deng clinging to president gu like a koala

  10. Hi!

    I don’t know if this is a temporary issue, but isohungry (the group that translated chapters 9-11)’s website is down. I know you don’t want to keep people waiting by translating chapters that have already been translated, but if this is a persistent issue, no new readers will get past ch.8. So would you translate these chapters, please? Maybe alternate between an update of new chapters and an update of these chapters ¯_( ツ )_/¯

    Thanks for considering it.