I Can Still Survive [Interstellar]Chapter 72


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      • That wasnt his birth mom but someone he was given to by his uncle/ pretend dad (Father Ye). Ye muo’s mom is his sister but I believe she is dead anyway bc of the betrayal against the Grantz. She was supposed to have gone after a traitor in the family. Recall that ye muos birth was the result of this act of betrayal using Norton as the father n his sister as the mother.

  1. Norton Grantz, explain yourself!!!! Why is Ye Muo on this planet, did you not rescue him in time!!??? 😭😭😭😭

  2. So the ship blew up, Ye Muo survived in the wreckage and was “cleaned up” with the other garbage and deposited on this lovely planet. Crazy lady helped him out of the junk pile and now he’s being shooed away by the crazy lady’s kid. Hope none of the eggs survived the explosion… Norton you better be scanning for your son! Thanks for the update ❤️❤️❤️

  3. Ye Muo universally recognised as baby boi lol.

    Is his head ok? Does he still remember stuff or is this the amnesiac arc?

  4. Oh not the amnesiac arc, I dislike them so much, hope papa Norton is coming soon to the rescue