Holding Onto My ManChapter 43


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Translator's Note

people hired to just post about certain topics online

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  1. ohoho. someone’s getting nice whipping~

    thank you for the hard work~

  2. I see jars of vinegar in the future… XD XD XD


  3. ML, that’s what you get for pissing your w ifey ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ a wife neede to be pampered, not dissed. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    • To be honest, the wife dissed him first while stealing his weapons lol. He is nice already, whipped while coaxing with candy~ It should have been a beautiful fresh start with plenty candy for wifey, but now ho ho ho, it gonna start anew with whip and candy again then ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

  4. Yeah I’m gonna have to skip this arc. First we had “girls are obviously worse at games” and now we’ve gone all the way to “girls are weak and can’t do anything without a man to carry them”.

    • Yeeeah, I don’t blame you, that part left a bad taste in my mouth too… (And plus, there’s that whole “oh she’s not like other girls thing”)

    • Yeah, it’s rather sexist but it’s just a story and also, a Chinese one. Asian countries are unfortunately still too… let’s say “conservative” and many things that girls in Europe, America etc. can do are frowned upon if done there. I’ve recently watched a video in which Miss Korea 2018 was deemed too fat because she weighed more than 50 kg, which she isn’t AT ALL, smh. She’s just tall and actually has a healthy and non-plastic body. But this story’s interesting and I like it a lot, I’m really sad you aren’t reading this arc or more in the future.

    • I found it upsetting too… anybody who dared say this to me in real life would definitely get punched & also have their game character die a miserable death. This misconception of girls being “obviously worse at games” is so ridiculous I can’t even start- a lot of gamer girls don’t even play female characters so how can it be ‘obvious’?!! Also isn’t it just general knowledge that girls ‘pretend’ to be ‘weak’ in order to flirt with guys?!!! It’s just a pity this book is one of those ‘deficient in positive female rep’ BLs ๐Ÿ˜ถ

    • To bad though then for you, that things that left a bad taste is the majority truth, especially in Chinese gaming or maybe all Asian gaming community? Most motivation for gaming aside from aiming to be a god, is to carry girl. I’m from east asian and gave up on gaming when I was bullied by another girl + their carriers. It was like Gu Bai situation basically, just some guild petty argument but the girl used her “cute” voice crying left and right, and just like that our side got berated and bullied just because we didn’t have “coquettish” voice and act pitiful. Just like C-novel depicted their girl crying gege to appear weak and begged for equipments or pets, here it also happened quite commonly (so I always sneer when I see this plot, from the memory). Most female player seems to get into it with testing the water with inadvertly asking in cute and joking way. If the response is good, then it is basically “brother, you are so good”, “brother thank you for the cute pet”, “brother, I can’t passed this, carry me? cute cute cute,. Even my male friend, after gaining quite a good grasp of control and skill, every day he went around carrying girls, used and being used lol.
  5. Haha poor ML getting excited for nothing.

    Im sure he will eat vinegar once he found out that MC was close to someone.

    Thank you for the chapter!

  6. Dear ML, are you stupid? What did you expect? You abused him repeatedly, annoyed him to the point of spitting blood and forced him to become friends.. Use your brain. Would you accept such a “friend”? Absolutely not. If you had been gentle towards him, he wouldn’t have had detested you so much.

    In arc 1 you already were really detestable for your behavior towards your wife… Not listening, forcing him etc..

    But in arc 2+3 you were so cute and lovable towards him. Only to become like this in arc 4?

    …I want to hit ML so badly…

  7. I wanna know why girls are always thought of as inferior in game? Anyone can play well with experience!!

    Seriously this stereotype should be kicked and squashed!

  8. Do people usually assume that user’s genders match up with their game character’s? That seems kind of naive. Personally I choose my avatar’s gender based on the game.

  9. what’s up with the obvious misogyny and sexism in this arc?? not cool its making me enjoy this arc less tbh I kimd of don’t like it those comments are literally so unnecessary lol ๐Ÿ˜•