Holding Onto My ManChapter 39


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Translator's Note

Not actual blood-related sister.

Translator's Note

One level of cultivation usually has 9 layers before they can advance to the next level.

Translator's Note

Not in the raws, I added it to make the sentence more understandable.

Translator's Note

PK stands of Player Killer

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  1. Game arc and MC is basically throwing money to torment people xD

    So, why do players able to kill at safe zones? I mean, if it is an official safe zone then there would even to pvp, so is it a safe zone because of all players tacit agreement and not because of the game rules?

    • Right?!! My gamer sense also tickled by this. If it is suppose to be a safe zone there ought to be a ban of PKing, and if one doing so they would get penalty by the system.

      While reading the passage I would infer it is one of the safe zone designed by the developer, and seeing that you could even got PKed in a safe zone and looted safely is, I would say, a major bug. A noob mistake(?) wwwww

      • I had played a game with PVP before (in really toxic server, you get killed by high rank players whenever you leave safe area), and I mostly camp on the safe area, so I know that in safe area you should be 100% safe from being killed

        • probably this is one of those games where when people enter the safe zone, they’ll get a notification but can still force-enable hitting other players in the settings? as long as there’s no witness, you can get away with the crime, though the penalty will be so shit if other people do find out…. i think i know some RPGs like that xD

          tho i also prefer the one where you’re completely safe in the safe zone else people like FL will of course destroy the peace… adding the fact that the equipment can be dropped it will be total bullying (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻

          • The problem is… The system should banned those activity (PKing). It’s the same with hitting an NPC, you shouldn’t receive any damage in any kind of form… But, after reading Vannie reply about toxic server and players…

            I completely forgot that there is player that use cheat wwww. And then we could infer that FL act of cheating and PKing AFK player in a safe zone is extremely ignoble.

  2. Well, she’s not honorable, like i thought.


  3. The hidden task is to roll in the sheets with ml. Kek if that’s true I’ll have a field day. Hehehe

  4. Love it. Thank you for translating!

  5. 👏 And the face slapping begins!!

    Thank you for the update. Your avatar is very cute!

  6. This chapter was giving me flash backs of Shi Sheng from SCT throwing kill orders at anyone that even just looked at her wrong.

  7. I’d like to make the bold assumption that the ML is the CEO of the game’s company this time and just maybe he also plays incognito in the game as an NPS hidden big boss. 👀👀