Holding Onto My ManChapter 103


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  1. Oh Yin Li, Lady Life tried to teach you lesson, but you don’t wanna learn. What a pity~

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Ye Can’t, hurry up! When a yandere is pushed too far, he’ll do anything to get what he wants! (As a yandere yourself, you should know!)

    Thanks for the chapter! 😘

  3. ye cang might be called a madman but even i could feel his badassness and handsomeness through the scene

  4. I’m so nervous for our little lamb ahhh… This lord demon Ye Cang is too slow ahhh… This eunuch is so nervous that I’m having a siezures ahhh. Ay at at the emperor is not worried but this eunuch is ahh aii

  5. Whoa. This far and Baigu still didn’t remember his past life. Making me wonder how and what is needed to trigger it. His emptiness as well as remembering his first life with no Yin Li and Ye Cang where he is called heartless and ruthless, I wonder if his heart really is held hostage. But even without that “heart”, he is still able to slowly fall for Ye Cang and made this new “heart” slowly beat again. Ahhh everyone is blind to be unable to see the real lunatic is that Yin Li, such bright crocked unwanted light bulb.

  6. I don’t think he’s that bad … Erm– The things he’s done so far are just lying, trying to destroy our CP YC and GB, etc. Actually, his love for our GB is quite sincere… Maybe??~ So far, not too bad I think… I prefer to see villains from the white side, actually. So, that’s a little bit acceptable ??~

  7. Rather than a lover, Yin Li looks more like a disgruntled father who cannot accept his most beloved and pempered daughter love an evil thug, and will do everything he could to make his daughter never meet the evil thug ever again. Or is it just me?

  8. Well , I can understand why Yin Li being like this. I mean , if you have something very important to you and you are the one who created it with all your sincerity, dedication, blood , sweat , power or whatsoever just to make that thing…then someone just grabs it ..ofc you’re surely going nuts for it 😅.

    But since that thing or rather puppet have a life of its own, and decided that he wants to get married but not in his creator rather to his creator’s nemesis… I guess Yin Li should just let go or at least give way to that love. Yin Li here is like an obsess Father towards their child or he is like that old grandpa who created Pinocchio..at grandpa their knows boundary I guess? 😅.. anyways.. I kinda pity Yin Li..maybe at that time , he was not the current Emperor of that world and it was Yaoji’s Father who is still and force Yin Li to let Baigu to go to Ye Cang to do something… that’s why YL is soo angry even after how many thousands years past.. because that’s the reason why his beloved puppet is gone forever in his hands.