Holding Onto My ManChapter 102


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  1. Hehe stupid woman gave him crucial information. Still waiting for YC to show up.

    Thanks for the chapter

  2. Gu Bai: Woman, you’ve peaked my interest.

    lololololol he’s so crafty. YL, where does your confidence to trick him come from????????? THanks for the chapter!

  3. Picked this up to read around 2 or 3 days ago. Am now all caught up… and THIS is the cliffhanger I’m left on?!?! 😭 I can’t wait to see ML come save GuBai!!

    Very importantly, thank everyone who’s worked on translating and editing this so far, this was a great translation, really good to read and felt very natural with helpful notes 😘🥰😁❤️💕

  4. this is getting intense af🔥🔥🔥 i hope GB will be reunited with YC. WE WANT THE ONE TRUE PAIR NOT THAT DECEIVING EMPEROR!!!