Guide on How to Fail at Online DatingCh97 - But now that he’d killed him, his heart didn’t feel that happy.


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Translator's Note

Crowd Control = stunning, sleeping, paralysis, all those annoying skills. Basically you stop the other side from moving or doing anything to death and they’ll eventually give up.

Translator's Note

As opposed to Lu Hang’s magical DPS

Translator's Note

Gamer term – When you trap someone… it means they expected to win (based on your record history or skill level) but lost instead… h8dODq

Makes sense in non-gamer term too. Getting baited

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  1. Dunno if the author forgot it, but JH spoke in voice chat with LH, right? Didn’t he turn off the voice changer due to XHZ request? He just talked in the party with XHZ before he teamed up with LH. And JH even called him Lu Ge and LH didn’t realize it. Funny xDD Or am I just completely wrong and forgot stuff again? :’D

  2. Now that Huanhuan was killed once and paid up, then he can confess properly! I Just hope Xiang Huaizhi is receptive enough.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. I want this to be cleared up already! I started playing my heartbreak music the moment JieJie came, it’s been to long! My playlist is already 1/4 of the way through, it’s making me cry~😭 No more angst please

    Thanks for the chapter~


  4. Seems Huanhuan plan is to just mope while looking at his husband from affar… IRL and IG… I have to say I sympathize with him. I don’t know about the stalking but I think I would do the same: accept everything since it was my fault and cry to myself when no one sees. It would take a while to rally myself and approach the other to explain the truth (and I would do so just so they knew, not expecting any changes).

  5. I do feel sad but I still love how their story has this pace

    It’s good how XHZ gets his own time to think things over and process them and get over them, while JH is getting time to realize how much XHZ mean to him

    I really love how It’s not rushing through any of this

    This is especially so relatable in real life, no matter how much you love eo you DO need some alone time to process negative emotions out instead of burying them and someday having resentment or build up

    Once you get to sort it out you can finally love eo with free heart (in any relationship-love, friendship, platonic)

    Really loved this story alot