Guide on How to Fail at Online DatingCh8 - On the day of the big wedding, Yearning For escaped with his new flame, while Xiao Tianjing ran away with all the betrothal gifts


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Translator's Note

uhh it’s kinda like Bio on Insta/Description on Whatsapp, so like a profile?

Translator's Note

Chinese like to use your dad/grandpa etc. of higher seniority to show how much higher in rank they are than you

Translator's Note

means that a crowd that was originally very noisy quieted down

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  1. This is hilarious. Reminds me of Ye Xiu blackmailing all the guilds in the 10th server.

  2. — on the day of the big wedding, Yearning For escaped with his new flame, while Xiao Tianjing ran away with all the betrothal gifts.

    OMG lmao😂


  3. [Fine, dislike me now, but there’ll come a day when you’ll love me ‘till you go mad.]

    Jing Huan~ you are the one who will regret that soon (¬‿¬ )

    Thank you for the chapter! ♥️

  4. Jing Huan you actually said

    “Sometimes, you shouldn’t just listen to people’s one-sided opinions.”

    You also do what you said.

  5. Fine, dislike me now, but there’ll come a day when you’ll love me ‘till you go mad.

    Me : dont jinx yourself 😂

  6. Woah the writers in this work is wild. What a great plot. It amkes you wanna browse ao3 for the 42 chapters!!!