Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 43


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Translator's Note

眉目传情 giving amorous feelings with his eyes and brows

Translator's Note


Translator's Note

this one is… 爱在心口难开 direct translation is ‘love is in the heart, but the lips are hard to open up.

Translator's Note

心有灵犀 heart has tacit understanding

Translator's Note

同床共枕 also could imply getting married

Translator's Note


Translator's Note

Author might have gotten this wrong whoop. They said 19 questions were answered, but im assuming it’s a typo

Translator's Note

it’s a word play. Goddess is 女神, while (female) psycho is 女神经病

Translator's Note

Time and place buddy…

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  1. Well damn. I don’t know what to say.

    Well, at least he knows that it’s not the original Yang Anyu and knows his feelings and whatnot.

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  2. “with his amazing f*@^=@+ skills-” LMAOOO

    but but but… mirror scenes are so nasty ^///^)b

    thanks for the chapter!

    • I beg to differ, I think mirror scenes are erotic. When the two people doing the deed see themselves and how they appear it heightens their senses and their desire increases. When you view your partner and yourself at the same time, the openness and vulnerability and how much the other person accepts and desires you makes it very erotic and overwhelming and increases your feelings for each other…

      …not from personal experience of course


  3. Well, the Film Emperor’s dedication to his craft! 😘 🤯🤭

    Thanks for the chapter 💕

  4. Ho-Hot!

    Yi Chenyan already Knew about Yang Anyun’s identity, but It’s good he confessed.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. Is it me or is Tang Xiao lusting after our Anyu?

    Is that how his marriage gets outted? Some paparazzi takes ambiguous candids of the two and hubby outs the marriage to claim his man?

  6. Aish, did that Tang Xiao invited this problematic guy? Urghhh.

    That jade film emperor had become jaded film emperor ah~~ 😂.