Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 21


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  1. I actually feel Yang Jue’s frustration, the poor guy. He is that guy we always wish was there to somehow save the cheap shou from the scum gong in novels…

  2. “In any case, no matter what, you’d better protect your chrysanthemum.” Protective older brother 🤣 Thanks for the chapter 💕

  3. sudden thoughts: OG!Yang Anyu died for someone that would never love him…

    thank you for the chapter!

  4. Hmnn no i Don’t like the ML i’m sorry i still think he’s a sh***y person for making the og yang anyu live like that if he didn’t care why didn’t he divorce him rather than making his life the miserable and lonely 😑😑😑

    • Totally agree, I want to cry every time I think about OG Anyu’s diary and how the word ‘happy’ was crossed out… I don’t know if I can continue reading this, it makes me feel too sorry for the orginal

      • Yeah i dropped this story although it’s nice story but i didn’t like it cause how og anyu was treated in this story it’s like the ML didn’t treat him as human being it was like his was thing that being kept they never cared if he wad okay or hurt or live before the mc came

    • I thought I’m the only one.. seriously I’d rather them divorce now.. ML is just too hypocritical and this cold shoulder he gave MC is too much… Even though I knew he has a background story even after learning the reason why he married him… I still don’t like him.. if we take his answer realistically… That’s already a red flag he just married for his face… Even though he can’t explain but we know the reason but the other party who was being told… It’s kinda off so brother is just right to separate them

    • He should have divorced him… He just like his face after all or was there ulterior motive.. cause the only thing he likes about him was the face… Then he didn’t treat him as human at all.. so why did he married him and why stay right.. and the original was already dead without them knowing

      • Yo same, I don’t think the ML is a scum but he’s certainly thoughtless to a certain degree. It’s rather unfair for the OG to be forgotten like that, I know he’s willful but there’s no malice in his action. Also, their relationship is quite unbalanced (at least at this point of time). I can stand power imbalance but I really cannot tolerate emotional imbalance. Divorce? I think it’s just a wistful thinking when we know how loyal the MC to the ML

  5. …Mr. Film Emperor. You married someone just because they look like someone from a dream? Well. All I can say is you got lucky. And shouldn’t Big Brother Yang have more things to worry about than Yi Chanyan’s hotel? That was just funny to me. Thanks for the update!

  6. “In any case, no matter what, you’d better protect your chrysanthemum.”

    Yang Anyu: “…”

    After interacting for so long, Yang Jue was also becoming increasingly abnormal. 😂😂

    The reason of marriage, as expected. Chenyan is chasing that shadow he failed to protect last time. It seems it is fate for this Anyu’s to appear. But what if this Anyu is still the original but with his past life memories and amnesia of modern memories?? I just had to make it more complicated huh 😅.

  7. OG Anyu was the one who wanted to be with Yi. If viewed from certain perspective, his willful attitude is irritating. Yi agreed because of his dreams. He is uncertain why but viewed in a certain perspective it’s a very rude reason to agree to the marriage. However, they both got what they want although the reality of things is quite ugly. OG Anyu is pitiful, yes, but his willful attitude was his flaw. Yi is pitiful as well but his heartless attitude was his flaw.

  8. I’m somehow hoping that OG!Anyu and Current!Anyu is the same person/soul. That Anyu’s memories only got messed up because he remembered his past life when he got into a car accident 😔

  9. President Yang, even if your brother obediently listen to you, it doesn’t mean that our certain film emperor will do so LOL

  10. WTH all are scolding ML? Just think of his pain too, he lived a lifetime with memory of his dead love, now he got a chance again, why would he not grasp it? I feel like he knows the pain even though he only saw in dreams. But i feel bad for original YAY too.