Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 13


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Translator's Note

raws said Li Ye, so I’m assuming it’s a typo

Translator's Note

not literal ancestors, but mockingly calling them that. Like saying ‘sir’ to a kid who just ordered an adult

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  1. What happened? did some one do this deliberately so that yang anyu miss the beats.

    Thanks for the update

  2. Aiyaaa I think YA has been sabotaged ei 🙁

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  3. Was that his brother doing? The one with music and juries. 💀

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  4. Yup, probably his brother. But did he should’ve not done that because of Nuoxi’s words before? Didn’t he promise not to sign to their company if that brither does something?

    Although, i think the guys judge who has feelings for Yi Chenyan would probably not press the red button… that cliffhanger is just a dead giveaway

    Thank you for translating this 🙇‍♀️💐💐💐

  5. Istg even if his brother liked Qin Nuoxi I feel like QN will never accept him if he keeps on being prejudiced towards his younger brother

  6. I was wrong. Yi Chenyan isn’t a judge, but I like this better. If Yang Anyu can win over Jiang Ziqian and He Yi, then that would be proof of his improvement. And if Jiang Ziqian and He Yi let their prejudices blind their judgment, then I can’t see the lasting in the entertainment industry for very long. I’m glad Yang Anyu has such good friends though. Good luck! And thank you for the update!

  7. I don’t like Yang Jue. Although he often fight with the original Yang Anyu before but now that he(YAY) improve he(YJ) just denied the fact. I don’t want him to end up with Qin Nuoxi. Qin Nuoxi is too good for Yang Jue.

  8. Those people talking about YA have only shown him that he has two loyal friends who will stick with him in the future. I also don’t get why they’re going to reject him… his equipment messed up (most likely sabotaged) and yet he adapted very quickly and kept performing. If anything that should give him a higher score