Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 12


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  1. thank you for the chapter!

    yo general could you waste some minutes with us and tell your motives on marrying og!host?

  2. I wonder if the general remembers anything from his past life. I genuinely like all of the characters so far (except for the wannabe actor and his manager who sabotaged Yang Anyu), and I want them all to be happy. I bet they will all go far in the competition. Good luck and work hard! Thank you for the chapter!

  3. I originally thought Yang Jue would turn out to be am alright older brother-maybe there was just misunderstanding between the two brothers or something- but it turns out he’s just a scum man. The scummiest of scum, and also a total jerk. Also patiently (sorta) waiting for YCY to stop being a jerk…

  4. “Nuoxi, are those your sincere words? I… I’m so happy. So it turns out that I’m this amazing ah, haha.”

    Meng! I love these three interactions so much.

    The brother? I hope Nuoxi won’t ends up with him. It is obvious this man just planned to let him be a kept man while marrying a woman out and open 😒.

  5. That Big Brother has the lowest impression on me! I don’t like him 😒 And YCY, you better treat our MC right or else we’ll take him!!

  6. yep. I hate caracters with Yang Jue mentality. it’s deploring. I don’t like him at all.

    and maybe now the ice cold heart of Chenyan’s will finally melt towards Ah Yu’s?

  7. I want Yang Anyu to be the original owner of his body. And the accident was just a catalyst to him remembering his past.

  8. will the big bro and QNX be the second couple ? ಠ_ಠ I hope not. I kinda don’t like ’em hahaaha coz our main couple haven’t even progress but there’s already a probability of the side couple taking half the screen time huh…

  9. Honestly I hate the brother l, I get it that you hate him as an illegitimate child… most children really have a hard time accepting their half siblings.. but just a person a human being does he need to step down a person because he just doesn’t like him… He just want his brother to be an idiot. I don’t think it’s just because their half brothers but he really want to to suppress YAY as a person.. what a shitty brother. Just at least let him do what he wants and just don’t let him attached your last name to him.. if I were YAY I would detached myself from that family and live my own.. cause they’re no difference at all… He also started from the bottom so better yet do it himself.. why not let him prove himself and not step down on him, people can change to… I pity the OG he must went through depression before accident that was the explanation of his behaviors. No one love him and no one trusted him.