Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 51.1


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  1. I’m guessing that Shi Qing “went out of earshot” of ZJ just to say all that for him,,, I see your lil schemes 👀👌🏻

  2. I’m waiting for ZJL to push SQ down, it will be glorious.

    SQ jumping him is not out of the question though…

  3. This python love could turn into a really sick relationship. .. But If the both of them are happy with it, so be it.

    Poor lackeys, they’re going to be torture fufufu

    Thanks for the chapter!

    • Still it’s better for two pythons to cuddle up rather than a bunny and a python. Take two snakes out of the “ocean” and let them “play” with each other.

  4. just study okay…at least you guys will be educated delinquent. set up a loan business and perhaps a bar. legal as possible…smart enough to hide shwdy things lmao🤣

  5. lights a candle for Lu Tao and the other lackeys*

  6. ” Why do you have to study even if you follow a boss these days?” lol the gang next door in “Reborn with an Old Enemy” can sympathize