Escape the Infinite ChambersCh157 - The Corridor of Time (XIII)


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Translator's Note

It’s a figure of speech. This implied that Duan Li was so in pain that he needed to drink a jug of wine to lessen his pain.

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  1. DUAN LI AND AH LAN AAAAAAHHHH that was soo cute TvT)/ lol LJ is so.cute for thinking that he used the wrong way to get info hehe, i know LJ became somewhat different but he still retained some of his “self” before entering Asura realm hehe

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻

  2. Oh my god this is making me so sad, Duan Li used to be so gentle and then ultimately ended up like that …

  3. I think it is because of this threat of LJ that Duan Li broke his promise to see Ah Lan tomorrow and cut off all contact. Thus snuffed out his only redemption until he become what he was. LJ is still that annoying callous brat 😅. I say callous because you know since the beginning where he is “This might be important. I seems to have overlook something. Nah, I’ll think about it when I get there”.. he had this type of thinking. I guess this is what makes him easy to control by secret chamber. Because at this point I am 100% sure LJ is in another time loop. I guess the break point will be where he went into that train loop chamber (since he is protagonist lol. We had to experience everything through his lens. Since future him is cut off from that point, the answer will be starting from there; either he can break the loop or not).