Escape the Infinite ChambersCh156 - The Corridor of Time (XII)


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  1. I WANNA WHIP MY HEAD BACK AND FORTH lol jajaaan~ it’s our Ah Lan!!! Is it possible this is a parallel world or not lol.. anyway, did Ah Lan forgot Duan Li because of something that happened in the secret chamber? More and more questions are piling in my head and I like it lol xD

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!!~ 🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻

  2. Aaand split personality.. I’m shookt with this tho.. haha (was it the shadow thingy in that secret chamber he was is his other personality?)

  3. oooh ah lan u have a more darker side than luo jian thought, which prob explains the duo personalities – altho it seems like they know each other pretty decently for a while, i wonder what made them forget each other (or not?)

    thanks for the update!!

  4. !!! So it is possible there is a force in reality that is pro-TR system? Duan Li know about this that is why the system punished him with being reality-stalker?? To mock him? This also kinda answer why he become wanted by police force. How corrupt is the reality now? Since Ying had waited 100 years, meaning TR system is at least 100 years old currently. So it is possible for it to establish contact with reality and baited them for something to constantly supply players to it?? The scale grow again, and LJ is the only soldier? That is brutal.