Escape the Infinite ChambersCh143 - Crimson Asura Realm (XII) 


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Translator's Note

The Chinese characters that the author placed here should have meant ‘reincarnation’, but the author used transmigration in English instead. So I kept it like that. This word will be used a lot as well.

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  1. I thought the origin of secret chamber would be more exciting but they just wanted to make a game 😐

    Thank you for the chapter~

    • Well, cell phones and loads of current technology exist people watched Star Trek. And Gene Rodenberry and NASA and so forth was inspired by Jules Verne. Science fiction has created Science fact from from devices to vehicles to weapons. Geeks wanting to create a real life holographic virtual reality gaming system…is extremely believable.

  2. Awwww.. I kinda want to know more about Polaris.. i think LJ stumbled something about it.. and deymmm these fellas are really pitiful T.T)/ I hope they get to debug this game hHahaaha.. cheese your way~

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

    • It is suspicious right that LJ just muttered “Northern Polaris” when Ying just told “Polaris”. Kinda like someone form that place vs Someone that read a story about that place.

  3. they just wanted to make a game out of something so supernatural and highly advanced without fully understanding it and its consequences… i’d be angry with LJ also

    maybe the system travelled back in time to get back at the humans who tried to use it…

    thanks for the update!

  4. All this because they wanted to create a game 😃🔫🔫 People are dying, yk. Welp, imma guess they want to find out a way to fix everything? Or maybe it’ll end up being a time paradox lol at this point idek anymore (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻

  5. Damn it i feel so bad for the people who were dragged there 😭 really hope they’d also return to their normal selves after Lj and the gang solve everything

    Thanks for the chappie!💞

  6. Well I can understand Lou Jian’s frustration in this chap. thinking about it makes me mad too.

  7. Okay. So Ying is from current world, not future world. Only LJ is from the future. In a way, it seems LJ is more mystifying than Ying. I wonder if Ying “strength and invicibility” is due to his initial setting as “creator”. In a way his group of 8 is the programmers of the modified current TR System.

    • And I wonder if LJ can “tame” the TR System. Essentially, it is a 100mils years weapon that is ownerless because there is none worthy. So if there is someone worthy, can they weild and reign this system?