Escape the Infinite ChambersCh108 - Escaping from the Arcanum Train (I)


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Translator's Note

Bold words are in English. The author translated the meaning for the Chinese audiences.

Translator's Note

Cab: The cab, crew compartment, or driver’s compartment of a locomotive or a self-propelled rail vehicle is the part housing the train driver or engineer, the fireman or driver’s assistant (secondman, if any), and the controls necessary for the locomotive or self-propelled rail vehicle’s operation. (Cr: Wikipedia)

Translator's Note

Remember, even though Owl is called Owl here because it’s an English translation, but in the raws, owl is called owl(猫头鹰) in Chinese. 

Translator's Note

Kitty: Omg hahaha Owl is savage

Translator's Note

I would like to say that this is also the basis of social constructivism… (how one views the world and how one thinks the world is shaped is through an accumulation of our memories, surrounding environment and all other factors!)

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  1. Who’s crow and who’s owl? I feel like I’ve seen the name crow before but I don’t remember who he is or maybe I’m wrong and there was never someone named crow before haha…. I wonder who’s who…. Honestly I wish the truth from the previous arc could be answered now sigh I guess we’ll just have to wait and for now just enjoy this arc…. I’mma go buy some tissues ah, I just run out of it….. Thx for the chappy~ (⺣◡⺣)♡*

    • Gosh nevermind…. I got two stories mixed up lol…. Crow was the character in a different story…. Oops haha… (/。\)

    • I think owl is ah lan, i remember he wear a stud in his ear in the last few chapter. And if im not wrong, ah lan has a short/small stature. Beside ah lan has second personality. That saying, his second personality was born from his consciousness which need influences to form. Since his memory is lost. His personality and his second personality should be united now, become what he is now. While crow must be luo jian. I think scaredy cat fit his true character seeing him often get scare and hestitate in the past chapters.

  2. Ah!!! The last chapter ended with such a huge cliffhanger! This new arc is interesting! Looking forward to it! 🙂

  3. i didn’t think they’d lose their memories in the next arc… it looks like luo jian (i’m assuming) and feng yulan are placed together and wow, can’t wait to see what’s next… time to get some tissues…

    i really hope specter is okay! :(( and thank you for the chapter!

  4. since LJ lost his memory

    and we’re assuming Umbrella Kid is LJ

    does that mean we’ll get the true face of LJ? I’m betting he’s Owl and that he has always been that cold

    thank you for the chapter!

    • Owl is definitely Ah Lan. With that black ear stus the kid gave before. Crow definitely Luo Jian, the protagonist always woke up and shown first. Though who held the identity of murderer is still a mystery. Ah Lan cold personality is definitely the shadow, with amnesia, the personality kinda merge and just comes out naturally. Luo Jian being suspicious and timid definitely also true. Many times in critical junction of event, Luo Jian second guessed everything too many time just like Crow.

  5. Yay, new arc (≧▽≦)/ And I don’t want to prepare tissues D:

    But the beginning is interesting. With the momory loss and all.

    Thx for the ch and good luck in school :3

  6. AAAAAAHHHHH.. new arc ❤️❤️❤️

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  7. Okay but does the murderer know that he’s a murderer or did he also lost his memories completely?? Plot twist: crowl is actually the murder but doesn’t remember it 🤣🤣 Ahh this is gonna be fun, I wonder how their personalities will be after they lost their memories, owl seems very wise and sharp already lololol

    • The murderer lost his memories too but like how the note said he is special. If the others can gain their memories at the verge of death, this murderer can gain his memories whenever. I believe crow is Luo Jian, he is somehow a scaredy cat which is the same from the LJ we currently know. LJ is also the type of person who cannot notice someone if theyre deeply thinking (like how crow fully unnotice owl when reading and thinking about the note)

  8. Aaaahh I’m still surprised that my dumbass can still keep up with this story lmao I’m excited for the next chapters. Thanks so much for your efforts!

  9. When will Feng YuLan just dissapear, I’m sick and tired of him. I’m starting to think that strange kid with the red umbrella is his alter self, because both are equally annoying and evil

  10. oh the premise looks so interesting omg if this is from the murderer’s perspective it would be so fun, and multiple crows are referred to as a murder so it’s fitting as well