Don't Discriminate Against SpeciesCh85 - Fu Li


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Translator's Note

符: means sign/symbol

Translator's Note

离: means leave/apart from

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  1. FL is coming to know the truth about his elders….I get why he would be upset when everything he believed is kind of incorrect.

    Thanks for the chapter

    • I agree, but also that was a theory he’d only recently thought up from things he’d just learn. It’s not as if he’d always believed it. Though I get what you mean. He’d thought they were all ordinary, having been lied to for so long.

  2. The more we learn about the yaos who raised Fu Li, the more I love them, goshhh >< Also, I really hope nothing bad happens with Fu Li’s excessive sleepiness and all…

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  3. so Fu Li was originally a ball of light? and almost became a rock? and then got adopted by all the auspicious yao? wild!

    thanks for the chapter! <3

  4. Ahhh so his name was a blessing from his elders in hope that he wouldn’t turn into a fiend… So much love from the elders…

  5. I love how all these powerful old yao found this little baby yao who was supposed to be a fiend and just went “NOT ON OUR WATCH” and took him home and loved him to bits ❤️❤️❤️