Don't Discriminate Against SpeciesCh63 - Hundred Birds


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Translator's Note

孔游. Never heard of such a creature and no matter how I google it, nothing pops up. If someone knows what this is, please let me know, thank you!

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    The forum is getting interesting… And ZQ doesn’t even know he got shipped with FL, HEHEHE

  2. ».. Elder Qing Yan developed a fear of thunder and an ever greater fear of furry creatures.« Good thing for that guy that there aren’t really any furry creatures in the deep sea xDD

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

  3. It really doesn’t feel like those simple yao that raised Fu Li were as simple as he thought… :0

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  4. According to Google translate, Kong you is “empty friend”, so maybe a shadow yao? or something similar. I also Googled “Kong you bird” in google images, and saw a lot of banana birds and fern birds. it might be one of those. Also, maybe it’s like King Kong? It might be a type of monkey. “You” apparently means “have”.

  5. Rmbr the pheasant who beat the illusions dragon in the sea and the sparrow who secretly following FULI? I have this doubt that those yao cultivators are not dead.. I have a feeling..

  6. I love reading everything about Fu Li’s past with his Yao friends. They loved him so much.. and really pampered him. He was everyone’s baby.

  7. More hints that the little sparrow yao was (is) actually a fenghuang!

    Sometimes I get the feeling that Fu Li being adopted by the other animals is like if they found a demon baby and instead of killing it, decided to take it home and raise it with lots of love and care, and teaching it how to be a good yao… (and that their identities might not be as simple as FL thinks)…