Don't Discriminate Against SpeciesCh62 - Dragon, Dragon, Dragon


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  1. At last first

    Hehehe preparing my popcorn

    Hehehe waiting for face slapping

    Fu Li what crazy things will u be doing now~~

    Thanks for the hardwork

    • Thanks! I was wondering why it wasn’t updating on NU lol. Seems like its up now but I’ve reported the issue to get it removed from BROKE’s NU page.

  2. With so many dragon races at one table… now I’m really curious, if they’ve different tastes xDD FL, please take a bite and tell me :3

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

  3. Ooh. One of Fu Li’s bottomlines have been touched. No one can disrespect ZQ but FL. Hahaha.

    Thank you for the chapter.

  4. Ahhhh… ZQ sooo doting on FL. First took him shopping for new clothes, and bought “couple’s” outfits! On top of that he’s paid for all.. Now he put food in front of FL and switched wine to tea… Ahhh Spring in the air❤️❤️❤️❤️ for ZQ & FL 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    Thank you for update 💛👏👍

  5. Oop, here comes the face slapping~ the purple dragon may regret saying anything at all lmaoo

    Fu Li: disdainful this settles it, the only good dragon is my dragon 😤😤

    Thank you for the chapter!!!!

  6. You’re definitely not the only one who laughed at that “chrysanthemum” 🤣🤣🤣 thanks for the chapter 🌸🌸🌸

  7. Someone is enjoying being praised by hubby😏

    Light a candle for another immature dragon🕯️

    Thank your for the chapter🥰

  8. “Let’s put him with the other dragons to make him more comfortable”

    facepalms Captain Picard style *


    If that’s what people keep doing, I guess we have an explanation for why ZQ usually never goes to these things… 🙄