I Rely On Poverty To Sweep Through Survival GamesCh186 - Sara’s Song (11)

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Edited by Jules

Xiao Lan and Wang Taidi, carrying Wang Ke, looked for signs of Qi Ning in the Wall of Sacrifice. eYKFrq

Along the way, they searched through the corpses of the monsters. Qi Ning’s ability and scalpel were very recognisable. As long as he made a move, there would be very obvious traces on the corpses.

Not long after, the first monster which showed signs of having been attacked with poison appeared.

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The corpse was a grotesque green, and looked partly dissolved.

Moreover, the monster’s four limbs had been neatly sliced off. The cut sections were extremely clean; one could imagine how efficient Qi Ning’s attacks were. vmd23X

Xiao Lan looked at the corpse and suddenly felt sympathy. “I didn’t think Qi Ning’s ability would be so powerful even against these undead things.”

Wang Taidi said, “Wanna make a guess if Qi Ning is playing very happily now?”

Xiao Lan thought about it. Finally able to let go and enjoy the delight of dismembering monsters, Qi Ning should be very happy… ba?

Why did it sound like their companion had become some sort of pervert?


The monsters’ corpses were like road signs which led them toward Qi Ning’s location.

Along the way, a few monsters popped out of the Wall of Sacrifice, but they couldn’t make a single splash with Xiao Lan and Wang Taidi working together.

Currently, the greatest threat to them was still Sara’s Song which was everywhere and followed no rules.

Soon, they heard the sounds of a battle nearby. 8iEJm7

Qi Ning was surrounded by the bodies of several monsters.

He brandished his blade and split open the chest of a monster that was about to ambush him.

The cut was extremely smooth and was a perfectly straight line from head to tail, putting Qi Ning’s superb dissecting technique on display.

The monster fell to the ground, twitched for a beat, and then was still. lXzeT1

Qi Ning put away his blade and looked at the corpse regretfully. “Such a shame that there’s no time. I can’t even carefully dissect you guys…”

At that moment, Xiao Lan and Wang Taidi arrived.

Qi Ning turned his head and saw Wang Ke on Wang Taidi’s back. “You found him?”

Wang Taidi nodded. “Yeah, but he’s in bad shape.” 64hdCt

Qi Ning said, “Let me have a look.”

Wang Taidi found a place to lay Wang Ke down.

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Wang Ke was as pale and thin as ever. His breathing was extremely weak, as if he was about to breathe his last in the next second.

Qi Ning took out a black suitcase from his storage space; inside was vintage-looking medical equipment. dAb6d

This person clearly had a storage space yet liked to use a suitcase; it was probably one of his odd hobbies.

Qi Ning gave Wang Ke a simple examination.

After a while, Qi Ning withdrew his hands and said in a deadpan tone, “Not gonna die.”

Wang Taidi was still waiting for more. In the end, there was nothing. Jn1W2a

Question marks filled Wang Taidi’s head. “Just that? This conclusion is rather perfunctory, Dr. Qi…”

Qi Ning put away his equipment. “It’s not like you’d understand professional words either. In short, while Wang Ke is weak and his bodily functions have declined, he has the body of an advanced player in any case. He won’t die even if an ordinary person beats him up right now.”

Qi Ning reached out and gently tapped Wang Ke’s throat. “I gave him emergency treatment with a bit of a virus. It’ll quicken his healing, and he’ll wake up soon. After that, just don’t use him as a shield.”

Wang Taidi stammered, “V- v- virus…??” qrOYsc

Qi Ning turned to look at him. “When a virus is used well, it can —”

Right at that moment, a crack appeared in the space near them.

A figure stepped out of nowhere.

He was wearing a black suit paired with elegantly designed accessories, as if he had just walked out of a dinner party. Z6en8s

That person looked at Xiao Lan and the others, and nodded slightly. “Sorry to bother you, but can you guys hand over the guy you have?”

Looking at his experienced air, and this ability which allowed him to travel between instances with ease…

The expressions of the other three couldn’t help but darken.

This person was — a contract player. Tocku9

HIs run-in with a contract player last time was still engraved in Xiao Lan’s heart.

It hadn’t been a happy meeting. A contract player’s violent methods and the way they viewed the lives of other players as weeds would make anyone unable to help but be vigilant.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Zhu Zhiyi. Perhaps you have also guessed that I’m a contract player.” Zhu Zhiyi smiled. “I just received an urgent mission which said that someone who failed in Sara’s Song has escaped the Wall of Sacrifice. Looks like that was your doing?”

Xiao Lan and the others didn’t speak, only staying on guard. s97Hkn

Zhu Zhiyi said, “Failure is failure. What need is there to save someone like that? Alright, just hand him over. I don’t have a habit of killing people.”

Wang Taidi frowned and blocked Wang Ke with his body, as if prepared to attack.

Xiao Lan said softly, “You guys go. I’ll stop him.”

Wang Taidi glanced at Xiao Lan. 【Rock of Forgiveness】 could only be used in Conversion Forest, so they had to take Wang Ke away from the Wall of Sacrifice. obTEuc

For Wang Ke, it was safest to leave this place first, but just leaving Xiao Lan to face a contract player alone…

Xiao Lan had already taken out 【Insurgent’s Bone】. “Go.”

Seeing Xiao Lan step forward, Wang Taidi took a deep breath. With Wang Ke on his back, he ran off with Qi Ning.

“You take care!” Wang Taidi’s voice came from afar. drwaBV

“Understood,” Xiao Lan replied while staring at the person before him.

“Hehe, how courageous.” Zhu Ziyi laughed. “May I know your name?”

Faced with this rather odd question, Xiao Lan grew even more wary and didn’t reply.

Seeing this, the smile on Zhu Ziyi’s face slowly faded. “Why do advanced players always think they have the power to go against contract players? Don’t you guys know nothing about contract players?” T0Egvq

After that, he raised a hand, and a gust of wind blew towards Xiao Lan.

The wind was very light, and seemed harmless.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Dea Wljb Ojc vlvc’a vjgf ecvfgfralwjaf mbcagjma qijsfgr, jcv vbvufv ab atf rlvf.

Ktf ygffhf ygertfv qjra tlw, yea cbatlcu tjqqfcfv. WkHf41

Aera jr Wljb Ojc kjr offilcu mbcoerfv, tf tfjgv atf batfg’r nblmf. “Yt, sbe’gf Wljb Ojc? Ktja’r j ubbv cjwf.”

Ite Ilsl rwlifv jcv jqqijevfv.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Wljb Ojc’r uglq alutafcfv bc tlr kfjqbc. Ite Ilsl tjv erfv rbwf rbga bo aglmx ab byajlc tlr cjwf.

Why did he want his name? GlTvS4

Could it be out of courtesy and convenience?

But another feeling told him that a contract player wouldn’t do something so useless.

While Zhu Ziyi looked very polite, in his bones, he was no different than that baseball bat-wielding guy.

Then, there had to be some objective for obtaining his name. ayXQ D

Xiao Lan no longer wasted time and took the initiative to attack.

The black blade attacked Zhu Ziyi like a black wind.

Zhu Ziyi didn’t dodge, his lips curling into a smile. “Xiao Lan, you can’t cut me at all.”

After that, the attack that aimed to harm brushed past Zhu Ziyi. 26iAbO

Xiao Lan flipped around and slashed two more times. In the end, they missed.

His heart sank. This guy’s skill was strange…

It seemed similar to Wang Taidi’s word actualisation.

Moreover, as a contract player, he would definitely have far fewer limitations on his skill than Wang Taidi. Qt6RNS


Zhu Ziyi said with a smile, “Don’t waste your energy. Advanced players can’t fight contract players. After becoming a contract player. There’s nothing you can’t do. Step aside ba. Don’t waste my time.”

Although Xiao Lan felt troubled in his heart, he appeared indifferent. “Oh, I don’t dare to eat shit.”

Zhu Ziyi’s smile froze. “…” EcY5BD

Where did this guy come from? Why was the way he mouthed off so crass?

Zhu Ziyi’s expression sank. “If you have a death wish, don’t blame me.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Carrying Wang Ke on his back, Wang Taidi ran along with Qi Ning.

Suddenly, he stopped. lZbRpU

Qi Ning also stopped and asked. “What’s wrong?”

Wang Taidi bit his lip. “Sorry, I want to go back. Can I trouble you with my ge…”

Qi Ning looked at him silently.

Because of the mask, it made it hard to discern whether he was feeling astonished or hesitant, or whether he was observing Wang Taidi with interest. dXgn2r

After a while, Qi Ning opened his mouth and calmly said, “Pass him to me.”

With that, he reached up and took Wang Ke from Wang Taidi’s shoulders while telling him, “Be careful not to die.”

Wang Taidi nodded. “I’ll have to trouble you.”

He watched as Wang Taidi’s back disappeared into the distance. Owt6K2

Carrying Wang Ke, Qi Ning continued moving. They quickly drew further away as Qi Ning searched for a weak point in the wall that he could break through.

After a while, Wang Ke opened his eyes.

He discovered that the person carrying him had changed, but he couldn’t see the other’s face, only blackness.

Wang Ke muttered, “Did… I die?” W9zxMJ

Before death, he even dreamed that his brother came to save him. The Grim Reaper was still rather benevolent.

Qi Ning’s voice sounded in front of him. It was still as frail as usual. “Hey, that’s rude. I’m a doctor, not a grim reaper.”

Although most of the time, he did work that was about the same as the grim reaper, so much so that his work efficiency was even a little higher.

But he seriously was a doctor, the kind with a license. 7G9Q62

It was then that Wang Ke realised that the one carrying him was Qi Ning. “…Sorry.”

He looked around with great effort, but couldn’t see any signs of Xiao Lan or Wang Taidi.

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Wang Taidi asked, “Where are they?”

Qi Ning said, “Your brother and Xiao Lan stayed behind. I haven’t seen Fei Luo; he probably got lost.” k6vuaZ

Wang Ke was a little confused. “Stayed behind… What happened?”

Qi Ning, “A contract player was alerted after they got you out, so they went to stop him. I’m taking you and retreating first.”

“Contract!” Wang Ke’s hands couldn’t help clenching up.

The shock of alerting a contract player was one thing. On top of that, he was concerned about his brother and Xiao Lan’s safety, and also felt guilty about leading them to danger. je 3QH

Qi Ning noticed his concern. He patted Wang Ke’s shoulder in a rare moment of comfort. “Patients should just focus on recovering. Your current state makes worrying useless. He’s your little brother, not your son. You have to let go so he can grow.

“Moreover, Xiao Lan and your brother aren’t weak. They won’t necessarily lose against a contract player.”

Wang Ke looked at his powerless hands and couldn’t help letting out a bitter laugh. “You’re right…”

The current him was useless even if he worried. If he could leave Sara’s Song even just a little earlier, it would make everyone less worried. That would be good for everyone. E5yNgi

Suddenly, Wang Ke realised his recovery was a little abnormally fast. “My body… Why is it recovering so quickly?”

Qi Ning’s tone was very calm. “Oh, I gave you a bit of a virus to stimulate your cells to speed up recovery. Don’t worry, it probably isn’t an overdose.”

Wang Ke caught the subtle wording. “Probably? Overdose… what would happen?”

Qi Ning thought about it. “Have you seen Resident Evil? Probably something like that.” vJte3q

Wang Ke: “…”

Qi Ning added, “If I did accidentally give you an overdose, I’ll immediately adjust it.”

Wang Ke: “…”

Qi Ning: “Please have faith in your only resident physician, alright?” H3K94Q

Wang Ke: “…”

Do you yourself believe that you don’t have some extra motive?

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Was it really alright to let a lover of dissections, an ardent fugitive killer, and a virus-cultivating expert be his resident physician?

Wang Ke suddenly worried about the probability of dying through a medical mishap. 4Veiln

Xiao Lan and Zhu Ziyi were at an impasse.

Sure enough, contract players were hard to deal with. Zhu Ziyi’s movements were swift like the wind; coupled with the support of his word actualisation, this was simply a cheat, forcibly making it so that Xiao Lan was unable to attack him.

At that moment, Xiao Lan had already activated his ability; it was spatial displacement.

Zhu Ziyi was just too quick. Even after Xiao Lan activated his ability, it was hard to catch up. HFSwBd

Xiao Lan’s figure kept shuttling around, avoiding the other party’s attack while also trying to catch his weak point.

Xiao Lan originally wanted to find a chance to use 【Koukou】 to directly shut him up.

However, it was shaped like tape, and had to be stuck on the other’s body in order to be activated.

Zhu Ziyi cleverly kept a distance between them, and it was hard to close the gap. DPVbUG

Zhu Ziyi raised his hand, and a gust of wind struck at Xiao Lan.

At a closer look, some slender, feather-like blades were mixed into the wind.

This was his weapon; they looked extremely light and easy to use and, while they weren’t very harmful, they had dangerously brushed past Xiao Lan’s vital parts quite a few times.

Sensing the oncoming wind, Xiao Lan instantly vanished from the spot so that the attack missed. ArnhHd

After several exchanges, Xiao Lan realised that Zhu Ziyi’s ability should actually be wind.

He could use the wind to attack and sense things, which was why he was so fast and could evade inconceivably quickly.

But a person couldn’t have two abilities, and contract players weren’t an exception. His word actualisation ability was most likely an item.

Xiao Lan dodged while observing Zhu Ziyi. NG1hoZ

Soon, he spotted a tiny microphone on the other party’s collar. It was black and practically blended with his clothes.

Every time Zhu Ziyi was about to use his word actualisation skill, the mic would light up with a little red dot.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

After a few times, Xiao Lan realised the effect of each word actualisation was about three minutes.

Zhu Ziyi would be able to use it again after three minutes, but the content was different each time; who knew if it was because he couldn’t repeat the same words, or if each phrase could only be activated once. LdH1Rp

Three minutes was about to end.

Xiao Lan seized the moment when the other was about to open his mouth to appear before Zhu Ziyi. His blade swiftly stabbed at the microphone on his chest.

After dealing with the word actualisation ability, Zhu Ziyi’s fighting ability would be reduced by 30%.

However, Zhu Ziyi had previously said that ‘Xiao Lan must maintain a one metre distance from him’. 7VGqs8

The tip of Xiao Lan’s blade could only brush past futilely, and was unable to damage the mic.

“Tch —” Zhu Ziyi let out a light laugh.

Seeing that the situation wasn’t right, Xiao Lan’s figure instantly disappeared.

The next moment, countless sharp feathers stabbed into the spot he had just been standing in. If he had been even the slightest bit slower, he would have become a feathery birdman. Vp17ke

Three minutes had arrived.

Zhu Ziyi opened his mouth again. “Xiao Lan will be affected by ten-fold gravity.”

As soon as Zhu Ziyi said the words, Xiao Lan nearly face-planted on the ground.

He sensed his body become incomparably heavy; it became much harder to even lift his blade. xVR0Ud

Zhu Ziyi had already seized this moment to attack again. Xiao Lan had no choice but to escape into space again.

Seeing Xiao Lan’s figure disappear again, Zhu Ziyi wasn’t worried at all. “Xiao Lan, if you don’t appear, I’ll go find them…”

Instantly, his figure drifted far away like the wind.

Xiao Lan had no choice but to appear, a blade cutting outwards to block Zhu Ziyi’s path. 2Oj3vS

However, the ten-fold increase in gravity affected his movements and slowed his blade down.

Zhu Ziyi easily darted over, the feather-like blade slashing at Xiao Lan’s neck.

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Xiao Lan’s body swiftly shifted to avoid damage, but there was still a cut across his neck.

At that moment, Wang Taidi’s voice caught up. “There is no change to the gravity affecting Xiao Lan!” 35DA4B

Following Wang Taidi’s words, Xiao Lan’s body instantly felt lighter. That previously shackle-like gravity instantly vanished.

He looked back in surprise. “Why did you come?”

Wang Taidi smiled. “My ge wouldn’t allow me to abandon a comrade and escape by myself.”

On the other side, Zhu Ziyi was inwardly apprehensive. D8dX7U

What was going on with this brat who had just appeared?

This kid’s ability unexpectedly could curb the effect of his ability; this also meant that the rank of the other’s ability was judged by the Advent World to be higher than that of his item.

Without waiting for Zhu Ziyi to finish contemplating, Xiao Lan had already disappeared.

The next moment, a black blade attacked Zhu Ziyi from a tricky angle. dXdVWP

Zhu Ziyi frantically dodged, nimbly slipping past the side of the blade. He was nearly cut by this strike.

Xiao Lan smiled. “Is it very fun to be able to use your ability and also word actualisation?”

At the same time, his blade attacked Zhu Ziyi non-stop. Without the obstruction of Zhu Ziyi’s words, Xiao Lan now felt that each of his strikes was utterly unhindered.

Zhu Ziyi had no choice but to confront him head-on. yLDaIX

Although he had lost the effect of word actualisation, his wind-like speed wasn’t a joke either.

The two swiftly attacked and defended, injuring each other non-stop.

Wang Taidi looked at how the two only left afterimages behind as they fought, and obediently didn’t join in.

This sort of swift, forceful clashes wasn’t his strong suit; it was better not to fling himself into the fight. It would be terrible if he was chopped up by his own ally. pJEM5e

In the midst of the battle that was hard to keep up with, the next three minutes arrived.

Zhu Ziyi only wanted to quickly end the battle. “All injuries sustained by Xiao Lan will increase ten-fold.”

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Instantly, a feather cut across Xiao Lan’s arm. What was originally just a long but thin wound instantly turned larger and deepened, as if he had been chopped by an axe.

Wang Taidi tried to control Zhu Ziyi. “Xiao Lan won’t be injured… cough…” hTyj0A

He paused in speaking, and the sense of blood roiling welled up.

His body was unable to shoulder the weight of using his ability several times without any regard for the price.

Zhu Ziyi attacked endlessly, trying to use this good chance to kill Xiao Lan.

Wang Taidi had a flash of inspiration. “Any injury that does not kill Xiao Lan will make him stronger.” htdT7n

This was the effect of Wang Ke’s ability. Wang Ke had used this skill countless times to counterattack at a dangerous moment, breaking out of a siege with his little brother.

At that moment, in Wang Taidi’s eyes, Xiao Lan’s fighting figure overlapped with that of his big brother.

Although Xiao Lan was a chunk taller.

Xiao Lan felt his knife speed up, and his body seemed to overflow with some sort of power. tO8lM7

Each of his wounds had now become like a fountainhead of power, giving him boundless strength. It turned out this was what a berserker felt like!

Fighting with backup was super refreshing!

As if a single person possessed two types of abilities.

The black blade slashed out at Zhu Ziyi like a fierce gust of wind. lMSBw1

Originally, Zhu Ziyi relied on his speed to clash with Xiao Land. At that moment, the pressure he was facing suddenly increased. The wounds he gave Xiao Lan were returned to him two-fold.

The situation flipped around in a split second.

Xiao Lan attacked endlessly, practically pushing Zhu Ziyi to a dead end.

Zhu Ziyi never imagined that there would be a day he would be reduced to such a sorry state because of two advanced players. c7Zvoy

His eyes turned sharpen, and the gale around them instantly grew more violent.

At the same time, he reached out to toggle the microphone, seemingly secretly switching to some hidden mode.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zhu Ziyi’s lips were moving rapidly, uttering words Xiao Lan couldn’t understand. It was obvious he was holding on to a big move.

Once Xiao Lan saw that, he instantly had a bad feeling. br LoS

He and Wang Taidi had to work together to suppress him, but Zhu Ziyi hadn’t even used his ultimate move yet.

There was no way they would wait for him to complete his ultimate move.

Xiao Lan quickened the consumption of his poverty value, and doubled his spatial displacement speed.

The next moment, he appeared right before Zhu Ziyi. 6eDEfN

Under Zhu Ziyi’s baffled gaze, he slapped 【Koukou】 onto the other party’s face.

Zhu Ziyi’s words instantly turned into: “Koukoukou… koukou… koukoukoukou.”

The original content of his words had vanished, turning into unintelligible rambling.

He was stunned, and a foreboding feeling welled up in his heart. FJf0lL

Just as this thought surfaced, Zhu Ziyi felt a chill in his chest.

A black blade had pierced straight through his chest, pinning him to the Wall of Sacrifice.

This blade seemed imbued with some strange energy; his blood and vitality felt like it was being sapped out.

“Koukou…” He wanted to speak, to warn these advanced players to not go up against contract players. KT3bdY

But the item was still in effect, making all his words completely unintelligible.

The Wall of Sacrifice was attracted by the smell of blood, and the originally calm vines began to stir.

As if able to distinguish who was a better target, they started to surge towards Zhu Ziyi. They rushed towards his wounds, while the vines that were unable to reach the wounds reached out for his body.

Soon, Zhu Ziyi was firmly entangled in the vines. 13n2yS

These vines had been abused a lot during the battle, and were all damaged. They now thirsted for flesh to supplement their wear and tear. They greedily took root in Zhu Ziyi’s body and began crazily absorbing his flesh.

The light in Zhu Ziyi’s eyes gradually vanished.

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The blood-coloured vines began feasting on his flesh with even more gusto, as if they were having a party.

Wang Taidi was speechless. “Contract players are considered to side with the Advent World. Why… doesn’t it let go of even its own people?” 68bGXL

Xiao Lan said, “To the Advent World, no one is considered its people.”

Watching Zhu Ziyi’s corpse being swallowed up by the Wall of Sacrifice, Wang Taidi said, “Let’s go. We’ll leave together after finding Fei Luo.”

Unexpectedly, Xiao Lan said, “You go first ba. I’ll join up with Fei Luo. It’s best if you guys leave the game as soon as possible, then leave the Advent World and return to the real world.”

After that, he left Wang Taidi a way to contact him in the real world. 9XpY0n

Wang Taidi was astonished. “Just the two of you? What are you going to do?”

Xiao Lan made a gesture. “Something big.”

Wang Taidi asked, “How big?”

Xiao Lan smiled. “Not sure right now. If we’re lucky, perhaps we can overturn the Advent World.” DkSTgl

Wang Taidi’s fluffy head was full of confusion. “…?”

He really wanted to ask his companion how much he had drunk to become like this.

Looking at Xiao Lan, however, he didn’t seem to be lying, nor did he look like he had been driven mad by Sara’s Song.

Wang Taidi left, full of question marks. u8ACYH

Just nice, Luo’s message also arrived.

【I’m coming, sir.】

Translator's Note

btw, the word for koukou, 口口, looks similar to the censoring of words: □□. I’m assuming this is what the author is referring to. (i forgot if i mentioned this)

Translator's Note

he’s asking how much he ordered to drink (because he’s speaking nonsense/daydreaming about bs)

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  1. »HIs run-in with a contract player last time was still..« His

    The author just loves it to mention WK’s height, eh? xDD

    Thx for the ch ٩( >ヮ<)۶