Blooming RomanceChapter 106


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  1. Thanks for the chapter. Anyway Xiao Lin will take Young Master Chu to play all day hehehehe

  2. Ahhh I’m glad you’re back!! I hope you’re doing great and thank you for the update! ❤️

  3. Welcome back and thank you for the update (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧

    oof you’ve been quite busy. I hope your exams went great!

    Moving must’ve been tiring, please rest well and just try enjoying the period without wifi as a rest day of sorts… unless of course the lack of wifi coincide with the exam period, now that must’ve been awful (。ŏ﹏ŏ)

  4. Was sitting here reading and being excited where they travel… Budapest, where I am now currently and my face went “ugh here” 😂

    There is no multiple climate along the Danube, Europe is very small so at most there is 10 degree celsius difference.

    But the scenery is indeed awesome because of the buildings and castles and stuff.