Blooming RomanceChapter 103


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Translator's Note

jiu jiu is a bird onomatopoeia

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    • Yet at the same time perspective since he’s the only one to have noticed that Jiu Jiu looks like both Chu Xun and Lin Yanchen 🤔

      Which I think goes to show how both dumb and smart the average person is lol

  1. Yes. No chance of coincidence indeed. Especially if you’ve met Jiu Jiu and his parents.

    Thank you for the chapter and take care!!

  2. Good afternoon, first of all thanks for the excellent translations of the whole team, I would like to ask, if possible: Ask the translator for authorization to translate into clear Portuguese, giving credit to the website and to the author and the translator of the respective work. I appreciate the opportunity, I wanted to retranslate, thanks again for bringing excellent BL translations to our readers….