You Use a Gun, I Use a BowCh67 - I heard you guys made an official announcement?


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Translator's Note

literally sand sculpture

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  1. I hope it doesn’t turn out that the brother does like LW and is gay/bi.

    Look at our MoXi couple just spreading dog food for everyone!

    Thanks for the chapter! <3

  2. The brothers and LWZ is some complicated drama… I’m worried! QAQ

    That aside, let’s just enjoy the dog food scattered by put MoXi CP! XD

  3. Mo Chen: Everything my wife said is correct .

    Poor Ling Shuyi 🤭🤣🤣🤣

    Also Chen Wei fighting!!

    And lastly thanks for the update 💕💕

  4. why is the other brother harping on the younger brother about being old and single when he’s single??? unless he’s not?? (also 22 ISN’T OLD AT ALL?)

  5. lmao ‘calamitous loathsome men‘… I love lightning and his teammates so much (quote by Kitty ‘Lightning flashing, thunder rumbling, tornado swinging… what is with these names? Also the one named ‘run’ I would run too in that hellish weather!’) but I still prefer Chen Wei’s ‘Captain Loves Men‘… XD