You Use a Gun, I Use a BowCh68 - I’ve discovered that I like men.


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  1. Aw the fans don’t have to attack Lan Yan like that.. transfers are a normal part of the industry. Chen Xiao’s reaction was very nice. He already noticed the signs but was shocked from being told but his instinct was to comfort his little bro first and smoke and digest the info later.

  2. I love how supportive of his brother Chen Xiao was! He is a good big brother. I just want to see his reaction when he finally realize who Chen Wei likes XD

    Poor Lan Yan… He did what he thought was better and everyone started to attack him!! It was not a “betrayal”, it was just doing what benefitted him the most! Transfers are absolutely normal, he did nothing wrong!! Chen Wei showing off is so cute!!! Thanks for the chapters!!!! 💕💕💕

  3. Go Windy!!! Jiayou!!! If LSY is also gay, why do i feel he likes Windy? Will there be a love triangle in the team? Or the one LSY likes is Chen Xiao? Or… hmm.. someone outside the team? Since i ship Chen Xiao and Newing!

  4. I love doting older siblings the best! I hope that when he finds out that he likes Ah Zhe, he will be supportive and allow them to fall in love.

    thanks for the chapter! <3

  5. This is what happened it you inject chicken blood and chicken soup before competition ba~. The spirit of showing off is off the roof! 😂

  6. Good mood after coming out of the closet be like : stong players of YEY and MQ could count as nothing, I definitely can finish them bah.

  7. Sometimes fans can be like that and act irrationally even if the people involved clarified the actual situation, they believe that whatever they see and think is right and that the person involved is just being nice to say that the person who ‘betrayed’ them wasn’t in the wrong…