You Use a Gun, I Use a BowCh50 - Want to die?


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Translator's Note

the words for dog and the term for someone who hides away and manages to survive sound nearly the same, so LSY is making a pun about that

Translator's Note

honorable you

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    Chen Wei ah Chen Wei… Do you really think anyone besides Wen Xi can stand beside Momo as a partner? QwQ

  2. They still haven’t reached the point of having feels.. just affection and interest but I’m not mad at the slow progress. Cant wait for that lightbulb moment though.

  3. i love how realistic (sort of), the progress of the relationship of Mo Chen and his teammates are developing. You can feel the slight resistance (very minimal) from them as they are used to him being so cold and distant, but also the feeling that there seems to be a slight crack on that wall put up by Mo Chen, not enough for them to be so close, but enough for them to make a step for a better relationship.

    Jiayou CLM~

  4. Eh, is the side CP really is Kitty and Dog? I really thought it is Chen Xiao and Liu Wenzhe. It is because I had thought Liu Jie firmly tried to be manager despite his busy schedule is because his lover is in there 😅😆.

  5. lol Mo Chen this big double-standard dog XD, definitely a true follower of that one rule ‘the wife is always first‘, haiii Xixi is so pampered….