You Use a Gun, I Use a BowCh44 - Ling Shuyi couldn’t rise again.


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  1. The throwback! This time Wen Xi arrow hits first! So cool!

    The way he look at Mo Chen suspiciously is adorable though lolThank you for the great translation! 💙

  2. I feel like Lan Yan is full of it… he’s regressed because he hasn’t found his Wen Xi? But Mac played above them before he found his Wen Xi. SMH

    thanks for the chapter! <3

  3. Poor Kitty – cannon fodder again 🤣

    XiXi was on fire in that match. The other teams will be jealous 😁

    Thanks for the chapter 💕

  4. It seems Lan Yan wanted to try QAQ? I was just guessing QAQ because these children seems headless with ewal tactical battle situation, like if their agreed strategy failed, Bunny will just say “Scatter and survive till the end” lol. So I wonder if Lan Yan wanted to try exchanging his experience with them accomodating to his play style? But I remember he had already contacted the team he wants to transfer so maybe not QAQ?

  5. I am wondering if anyone can clarify what exactly is being inferred when they use ma, ba, and la. I tried searching online; however, it wasn’t very clear on its explanation.