You Use a Gun, I Use a BowCh43 - They went on a date.


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  1. They’re really so cute~ I should probably start working on my 16 undome essays due tomorrow, but this was obviously more important. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

  2. Ahaha they make the best duo~

    If the MC and WX fell into the water, there is no need to save them…just sit at the side and watch the dog food scatter as MC rescues WX ~(Mika: MC can swim…)

    Thanks for the chapter~

  3. Asdfasfha they went on a date!!

    And why do I feel that Lan Yan and Ling Shuyi have the smell of a side CP?🤔

    Thanks for the chapter!!

  4. Yep I agree with you Juurensha, plus it’s more fun to see them both go all out!

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  5. HUsband and wife both fighting each other ah~

    Can’t wait who is going to win between them ah~

    Thank you for the chapter!

  6. Lol can’t wait to see them meet at the final circle 😂😂

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  7. They want on a date! UwU

    The realization that Wen Xi is actually another wolf in sheep fur lolThank you for the great translation! 💙

  8. Oooh Mo Chen with the nice dodge on the question on why he’s so nice to xixi. We know wen xi knows his feelings so now we wait for Mo Chen.

  9. I love their interactions so much! 🥰

    I think I have a scarf like they’re talking about, I got one for christmas and I love it!🧣 Thanks for the chapter! (I’m playing catch up after not reading for a while)

  10. I just knew that this two will steal kills and compete with each other lmao 😭😂😂😂😂💕

  11. Did he really want Mo Chen to know which team he was transferring to? No, he had just wanted to see Mo Chen’s concern for him.

    Even though he clearly knew that Mo Chen wouldn’t let his concern show on his face, even if he was truly concerned about someone.

    Thinking until this point, Lan Yan turned his head, and his gaze fell on Wen Xi for a bit. He looked at the scarf around his neck, and was absent minded for a bit.

    ——It seemed like Wen Xi was very special to Mo Chen.


    I really get a smell of some unrequited love here. And I also think my estimation will be 60% right.

  12. “No…” Wen Xi felt that his conclusion was too hasty. “They’re both human lives ah. Of course I have to save both of them…”

    Chen Wei asked, “Then if I fell into the water with your mom, who would you save first?”

    Wen Xi answered, “My mom.”

    Chen Wei continued, “Then if the captain and I fell into the water?”

    Wen Xi answered, “The captain.”

    Chen Wei concluded, “And if the captain and your mom fell into the water at the same time?”

    Wen Xi: “….”


    Mac, you must really thank this little your teammate HAHA 🤣🤣🤣 In fact, He is the ACTUAL CUPID of you two couple.

  13. And then this public competition became a competition between lovers just like that. 2 gods playing against each other, where can normal people hide ne..

  14. ah! ah! ah! the two great gods are about to start a blood bath again and compete with each other like the first time they met!! Only this time our Xixi has improved significantly (。•̀ᴗ-)✧