BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh90 - Bald


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Translator's Note

shooting while polishing the gun

Translator's Note

Kinda ruins the ‘reveal’ but what he specifically said was ‘no body hair’, more specifically, hair… down there.

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  1. Huh???? Did Nie Yi truly lost his two abilities??? THAT would be such a pity thoughhhhh. He’s invicible like that. But sharing ability is pretty good too hehe. mixed feeling

    THAT BODY HAIR THO. Seems like Nie Yi is really naked naked, truly without a single strand covering his body HAHAHAHAHAHA

    • NY is the ML and MLs tend to be OP in these novels so I doubt he lost his abilities. Maybe ‘it’ just taken a little sleep preparing for an upgrade hence he can’t use them. I might be wrong of course but as for him ending up with a useless/unusable ability that just seems impossible.

  2. Ah thank goodness they’re okay 🥺 and QJC laughing!! 😍😍

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  3. What is Nie Yi gonna do now without his abilities?! He must learn to use this New one.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. Im glad their safe!! Its great that NY is alive and didnt totally become normal, I mean how can he act as QJ’s knight in shining armor if he’s back to a regular human! But still kinda worried that his ability seemed changed, how can he personally cook & provide bath water for his beloved QJ now!! Thats like one of his fave (useful) moment XD

  5. That nucleus is definitely something. Ahhhhhh back to spoilers 😅😅

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  6. I thought he was laughing at his baldness lol. Well it was, but down there.👀

    Uh maybe he can only use both abilities at once? It could have evolved thanks to QJC.

    Thanks for the chapter 🥰

  7. My god, Nie Shao!!! 😂😂😂 I’m happy that Qi Jingchen laughed. He must’ve laughed until tears came out. Man, Nie Yi and his birthday suit, ne… even less hair than then!!!!😂😂

  8. Maybe his abilities combined so he’d get something like a fog ability but also with a bit of darkness so he could controls that black fog that appears? Imagine how op that would be