BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh70 - J City Secure Base


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Translator's Note

different Zhi. The zhi she ended up with means a type of flower, but the zhi he wanted to name her as, 志, meant aspirations or ambition

Translator's Note

Ruru: Concubine Nie establishing dominance wewww

Translator's Note

Ruling the sky

Translator's Note

Without Rival

Translator's Note


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  1. Thank you for the chapter!

    I, for one, wish for this woman to know something. Qi Jingchen is bby and he only deserves the best. The only thing he had to do is look pretty and be spoiled. Do your own cooking and laundry!

  2. I liked that NY’s mind first impression turned from quite charming to definitely had shitty morals 😂😂

    Thanks for the chapter~

  3. Poor Mu Yi!! She’s heavily pregnant and still doesn’t know she’s a widow already. That’s sad. I hope Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen can help her to give birth.

    Thanks for the chapter!