BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh65 - Revenge


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Translator's Note

for murder? Author didn’t clarify

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  1. Good riddance! Wow. QJC can truly stay calm and cute while making NY carry out the torture. Truly a Dark Boss. Next on the execution agenda: Yu Shuo

  2. “ Everyone is the secure base’s owner, so I’ve decided that the secure base’s present food and supply reserves will now become public!”

    This is going to go south quickly. I foresee a mob of people tearing each other apart to get at and hoard the food. 😑

  3. A scum down. Who’s next?

    Now that the revenge has been executed are they going to abandon the base?

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. hehehehehehe Nie Yi is getting revenge while brushing his and Jingchen’s reputations up to the skies! If their enemies from their past life could know, they would be spitting blood. Thanks for the chapter!!!

  5. Will they be moving away next chap? I remember that they will be heading to Qi Jingchen’s hometown 🤔

    Qi Weiguo, i wonder what fate has got for you 🙂 but still pretty sure you won’t be allowed to stick near QJC

    Thank you for translating 💕💕💕