BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh66 - Departure


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Translator's Note


Translator's Note

Unsure as to where to put their feet and hands

Translator's Note

Oh WHOA ok that really surprised me lmao i was like that Blink.jpeg
Katie: BOOM! What?! Coming out so nonchalantly. Only our BAMF MC can do that. OMG

Translator's Note

One person’s decision rule

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  1. If Nie Yi had heard Qi Jingchen saying ‘he’ s my Boyfriend’, he’d have exploted of happiness hahaha. I like QJC is more willing to live! In the past he wouldn’t have bothered to say such things.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Lol if only Nie Yi can hear QJC said “he’s my boyfriend” 😁😁

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  3. Nie Yi, you have moved the heart of Qi Jingchen so much that he blatantly announced your relationship to his remaining family members 🤩 👍

    too bad you missed it 🤭Though, i wonder why you don’t gleam more information from the uncles about QJC. You might’ve found out about this glorious event of your life 😉

    Thank you for translating 💕🙏💕

  4. Gege will help you look for some!” Qi An promptly nodded. Xiaomao was his treasure, and whatever she asked for would be granted by him.

    I kind of ship them ? 🤔

    I really do like translator notes in the novel.

  5. Oooo I wonder who gets the fire ability? A bodyguard perhaps?

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️