BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh34 - Dual Ability


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Translator's Note

Flashbacks to when I read attack on titan when I was like fourteen.

Translator's Note

eh well, this isn’t precisely what the raws meant, they meant that he ‘awakened to another ability’, but to simplify things I decided to call it reawaken, since he’s technically awakening again

Translator's Note

I genuinely can’t stop laughing at this misunderstanding HAHAHA

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  1. I’m honestly waiting for more reactions of people seeing these two together… and that misunderstanding… haha~

    But I’m still waiting for Baby Yu to learn of what really happened…

    Thanks for the chapter~ ( ^ ♡ ^ )/

  2. every ability user wants to be watered now!!! haha I love this, Nie Yi is such a trendsetter

  3. Zhang Zihai would be miserable If he tries the same methods! Tell him, please.

    Qi Jingchen didn’t want Nie Yi to kill him… Because he doesn’t want the other to feel guilty?

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. best part…Zhang Zihai at the end asking to be watered lol😂