BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh33 - Enemies Meeting


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  1. Oh oh just a little more and Nie Yi can finally serve Qi Jingchen’s every need again.. he must be so happy that the person himself came to him

  2. Will he meet baby yu or gain the water ability first???

    Thanks for the chapter~ ( ^ ♡ ^ )/

  3. ^(&^(&%&^%^& cliffhanger orz at such an interesting point. will he have the breakthroughhhh aaah so curious xD

  4. I really thought You Xuguang was kind of cute orz. I didn’t notice how the person who self-destructed to kill MC’s plants was the same as the weak boy who can barely let out water. I wouldn’t have noticed if it wasn’t pointed out orz. 😂

    I think Xuguang isn’t necessarily bad and considering he’s only working with the information he has at that time, it isn’t surprising he turned out the way he did. I hope that he wouldn’t be another cannon fodder or villain orz.

    Poor Nie Yi though. 😂 I hope he can still break through even with the interruption lmao.

    Thanks for the chapter.

  5. Yu Xuguang… Could you go back the way you came? You’re delaying Nie Yi’s progress.

    Thanks for the chapter!